Prayers at the crib as part of our popular children’s Epiphany procession and Benediction.
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On the feast of the Epiphany, we bless chalk and use it to bless our houses, by writing 20+C+M+B+25 over the door.
Bless, O Lord, this chalk and grant salvation to the human race. May all who cause the names of your holy magi Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar to be inscribed above their doors be blessed by the invocation of your most holy name, enjoy health of mind and body, and experience your strong protection for their souls. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. #oxfordoratory
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Yea, Lord, we greet thee, born this happy morning;
Jesus, to thee be glory given!
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing!
O come, let us adore him,
Christ the Lord.
Happy Christmas!
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O God, who didst look on man when he had fallen down into death, and resolve to redeem him by the advent of thine only begotten Son; grant, we beseech thee, that they who confess his glorious Incarnation may also be admitted to the fellowship of him their Redeemer, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (St Ambrose)
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Rorate, cæli, desuper, et nubes pluant justum; aperiatur terra, et germinet Salvatórem.
Drop down dew from above, you heavens, and let the clouds rain down the Just One; let the earth be opened and bring forth a Saviour. (Isaiah 45:8)
Rorate Mass this morning in honour of Our Lady, in preparation for Christmas.
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Tota pulchra es, Maria!
The beginning of Solemn Vespers of the Immaculate Conception.
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Are you a single woman aged 40 or under and interested in living in a community as a female Oratorian?
Where you choose to live in community under the sole rule of charity, share a prayer life, maintain your employment, carry out good works and assist the fathers of the Oratory in the parish.
The charisms of humility, joy and charity would be the key characteristics of such a group.
If you are interested or just curious, please get in touch with Mary Fisher (usually welcoming at the 11am mass on Sundays) or email her to discuss further at:
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We didn’t pack all the Christmas shoeboxes ourselves. We’ve been very pleased to receive donations from other local groups, especially the Oxford Syro-Malabar Youth Group, as well as some local businesses.
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A record 232 shoeboxes stuffed with Christmas presents have started their journey round the world with @samaritanspurseuk, on their way to children who would otherwise have nothing for Christmas.
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“He who does not go down into hell while he is alive, runs a great risk of going there after he is dead.” — St Philip
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In those days: The most valiant man, Judas, took up a collection, man by man, to the amount of two thousand drachmas of silver, and sent it to Jerusalem to provide for a sin offering. In doing this he acted very well and honourably, taking account of the resurrection. For if he were not expecting that those who had fallen would rise again, it would have been superfluous and foolish to pray for the dead. But if he was looking to the splendid reward that is laid up for those who fall asleep in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought. Therefore he made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin. (2 Maccabees 12:43–46)
The Epistle at the Solemn Requiem Mass for Remembrance Sunday.
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At that time: Jesus said to the crowd of the Jews: “All that the Father gives me will come to me; and him who comes to me I will not cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me; and this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up at the last day. For this is the will of my Father, that every one who sees the Son and believes in him should have eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:37–40)
Gospel at the Solemn Requiem Mass for Remembrance Sunday.
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The Fathers and Brothers have been busy last week folding and packing Christmas cards. They’re available to buy now in our bookshop or online:
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All Saints and All Souls may now be over, but the lamps still burning before their statues remind us that our friends in heaven haven’t stopped praying for us.
O blest communion! fellowship divine!
We feebly struggle, they in glory shine;
Yet all are one in thee, for all are thine.
Alleluia, alleluia!
And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long,
Steals on the ear the distant triumph-song,
And hearts are brave again, and arms are strong.
Alleluia, alleluia!
The golden evening brightens in the west;
Soon, soon to faithful warriors cometh rest:
Sweet is the calm of Paradise the blest.
Alleluia, alleluia!
But lo, there breaks a yet more glorious day;
The Saints triumphant rise in bright array:
The King of glory passes on his way.
Alleluia, alleluia!
From earth’s wide bounds, from ocean’s farthest coast,
Through gates of pearl streams in the countless host,
Singing to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Alleluia, alleluia!
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“Therefore he made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin.” (2 Maccabees 12:45)
All priests can say three Masses on All Souls, to give the faithful departed as much help as possible. All the faithful can assist the Holy Souls not just through prayer, but also through special indulgences granted by the Church in November. Every November, there are opportunities to obtain plenary indulgences for the Holy Souls in purgatory by: (1) visiting a church on 2 November and praying the Our Father and Creed; (2) visiting a cemetery and praying for the faithful departed on any of the days between 1 and 8 November (it is possible to obtain an indulgence each day this is done). As with all plenary indulgences, it is also necessary to go to confession, receive Holy Communion, pray for the Pope’s intentions and be detached from all sin.
Today the Fathers offered fifteen Masses for the Holy Souls.
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Our Forty Hours’ Exposition has begun. Come and spend an hour with Our Lord anytime between now and midnight tomorrow or Sunday afternoon. This is a special opportunity for us to intercede for all the many needs of the Church, the world, our city, friends and family, as well as handing over all our own problems to Jesus and his most Sacred Heart. Or just come and spend some time with him. He is waiting for you!
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Our Adult Catechism class got off to a good start last night. Please pray for all those preparing to enter the Catholic Church. #oxfordoratory
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First day of term! As well as welcoming all the new and returning students to Mass this weekend, three of our own brothers are off to Blackfriars today. Br Ambrose begins his first of five years’ study today, and Br Vincent and Br Clement have another year of philosophy to look forward to. Pray for them!
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Born in London in 1801, St John Henry Newman was for over twenty years an Anglican clergyman and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. His studies of the early Church led him progressively towards Catholicism, and in 1845 he embraced “the one true fold of the Redeemer”. In 1847 he was ordained priest and went on to found the Oratory of St Philip Neri in England. He was a prolific and influential writer on a variety of subjects. In 1879, he was created Cardinal by Pope Leo XIII. Praised for his humility, unstinting care of souls and contributions to the intellectual life of the Church, he died in Birmingham on 11 August 1890.
From the Divine Office for today’s feast.
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The heavy rain didn’t stop our pilgrims from completing the annual Night Walk, retracing Blessed Dominic’s journey to Littlemore, where he received St John Henry Newman into the Catholic Church on 9 October.
Lead, Kindly Light, amidst th’encircling gloom,
Lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home,
Lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me.
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“…like a householder who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.”
Dom Stanislaus has been helping out this weekend while two of the Fathers are at the Oratory’s General Congress in Rome.
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A copy of Lead, kindly Light, written by St John Henry Newman himself.
Join us for the celebrations in honour of our Cardinal, beginning tomorrow.
There are devotions in preparation for the feast after Vespers on Sunday, and after the evening Mass on Monday and Tuesday.
The Night Walk to the College at Littlemore sets off at 7:15pm on Tuesday, following Blessed Dominic’s journey on the anniversary of the St John Henry’s reception into the One Fold of the Redeemer.
The feast itself is on Wednesday. Join us for the Solemn Mass at 6pm, where we will welcome Fr Guy Nicholls of the Birmingham Oratory as our guest preacher.
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Callum, our new organ scholar, started this Sunday too. He has been a member of our volunteer choir for a while, but we will be hearing even more of his organ music over the next year. #oxfordoratory
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Congratulations to Br Thomas, clothed as a novice in the habit of St Philip today!
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Some of our sacristy treasures on display for the Open Doors weekend. Sadly the 400 year old vestment from the Roman Oratory is too fragile for us to wear on a regular basis…
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Nearly 2000 people passed through the doors of our church this weekend — our usual Mass attendance of about 1000, plus around 750 visitors as part of the Oxford Open Doors weekend.
A steady stream of visitors received a warm welcome from the Fathers and our volunteers, and enjoyed the special exhibitions in the newly-restored Relic Chapel and St Philip’s Chapel.
One common theme was the number of people who said they’ve been walking past for years without realising our church was there. We reminded all our visitors that they don’t have to wait until Open Doors next year to come back — our doors are always open!
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First Mass celebrated in the Relic Chapel after the repairs were complete. The work by Cliveden Conservation makes us very excited about what they will be able to do with the decoration of our sanctuary…
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The Relic Chapel ceiling received the finishing touches this week. You wouldn’t believe there was a hole in the ceiling just a few weeks ago. The decoration is as good as new (or should that be old?) after it was damaged by a leak.
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Interested in becoming Catholic?
Our weekly classes exploring the Catholic faith begin in October. We began running this series of classes last year, and they’ve been hugely popular. We already have a good number of people signed up for our next set — come and join them! You don’t need to have made any firm decisions before coming to classes. Speak to any of the Fathers after Sunday Mass or learn more here:
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Congratulations to Daniel who was baptised last week. #oxfordoratory
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There aren’t many communities in the Church that stamp the front of their books with a miniature image of their founder in gold…
The cover of our new edition of St Philip’s Maxims features an image of the saint himself, copied from historic examples in the library of the Roman Oratory.
St Philip left his spiritual children with few rules. Those who wish to follow his path to sanctity are given the pattern of his life for guidance, which is why in the Oratory we get so excited about him personally, and do things like stamping his image in miniature on the front of books.
We are unpacking some of his maxims over the summer in our weekly reflections. Read them on our website, or sign up at
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Aware that he was in danger of being declared a saint after his death, in an act of humility, St Philip burned all of his writings towards the end of his life. He left no manual of holiness, no written guides to prayer, no summary of his spirituality. But that didn’t prevent those who knew him from collecting together all they could remember of what he had taught them. His early biographies are packed with his simple and effective advice for those determined to make progress in the service of God.
An English edition of St Philip’s maxims for every day of the year was first prepared by Fr Faber of the London Oratory in 1847. We have just reprinted a new edition of Fr Faber’s work, in the same size and style of the Oratory Prayer Book, and with the same attention to detail.
Those sayings of Our Holy Father, which have already shown themselves to be equally effective in 16th century Rome and 19th century England, are now presented with the aim of being as useful in our own day, for those who wish to pursue holiness under the patronage of St Philip Neri.
Available now, priced £8.95, from the Oratory Bookshop or
#oxfordoratory #oratoryshop
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Our Lady of Oxford has been uncovered again in time for her feast day tomorrow. The work on the chapel isn’t finished, but it will take some weeks for the plaster to dry enough for the decoration to be reinstated on top. (The altar IS going back when all the work is complete!)
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We have launched an online shop! All you need is a cupboard full of great books, some packaging, a table and Br Ambrose.
Our Oratory Prayer Book is now back in stock, after selling out again earlier this year. You can also pick up our new edition of St Philip’s Maxims, our latest tote bag (now in dark blue) and lots more, shipping all over the world.
#oxfordoratory #oratoryprayerbook #oratoryshop
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“It was well known in all Rome what a singular gift Philip had of exciting youths to the love of virtue and the desire of perfection. The Father Superior of the Dominicans in the convent of the Minerva repeatedly gave him his novices, that he might take them out where he pleased for recreation, confident of the fruit they would reap from his conversation: nor was he ever disappointed. Sometimes he took them to some agreeable place, where they stopped all day, and dined together on the spot. The holy old man took great pleasure in seeing them eat and be merry; and he used to say, ‘Eat, my sons, and do not have any scruple about it, for it makes me fat to watch you.’” (From the life of St Philip)
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The Relic Chapel will be out of action in the coming weeks while the ceiling is repaired after a leak during the spring caused some water damage. The work is being done by the same excellent team from Cliveden Conservation who restored the murals in the sanctuary, so we are confident that you won’t be able to spot the repaired section when they are done.
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Men’s Oratory made the most of the summer weather in their meeting last night. #oxfordoratory
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Our second hand book sales have been a great success. Yesterday’s raised over £500 towards our building project, and new homes were found for some previously loved spiritual and theological reading. #oxfordoratory
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On Saturday our team from Oratory Outreach served lunch to 42 homeless guests in the Parish Centre. The lunch was to celebrate St Philip’s feast, and although a little late(!) it was enjoyed by all in the spirit of joy and friendship St Philip loved. #oxfordoratory
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Today we confirmed ten adults, including four newly baptised and three received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church. Congratulations to them all, and a warm welcome to our new members of the Church! Our newly confirmed have been preparing since February in our second round of classes for adults this year.
Today’s feast of Mary’s Immaculate Heart is a celebration of the purity of her will. When the angel told her God’s plan for her, she said, “Let it be done to me according to your word.” And that was the summary of her life — she only ever wanted what God wanted. On this day, and for the rest of our lives, may she inspire us through her example and help us with her prayers to do the same ourselves, as some of us begin — and all of us continue — to do what she was privileged to do for longer than anyone else — to live with her Son here on earth.
Please pray for those who received the sacraments today, and those who are still on their way. Our next series of classes will begin in October. #oxfordoratory
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That thou would defend, pacify, keep, preserve, and bless this city,
we beseech thee, hear us.
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A Prayer of St Cajetan for the City
Look down, O Lord, from thy sanctuary,
from thy dwelling in heaven on high,
and behold this sacred Victim which our great High Priest,
thy holy Son our Lord Jesus Christ,
offers up to thee for the sins of his brethren
and be appeased despite the multitude of our transgressions.
Behold, the voice of the Blood of Jesus, our Brother,
cries to thee from the cross.
Give ear, O Lord. Be appeased, O Lord.
Hearken and do not delay for thine own sake, O my God;
for thy Name is invoked upon this city and upon thy people
and deal with us according to thy mercy. Amen.
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I adore Thee, O my Saviour, present here as God and man, in soul and body, in true flesh and blood. I acknowledge and confess that I kneel before that Sacred Humanity, which was conceived in Mary's womb, and lay in Mary's bosom; which grew up to man's estate, and by the Sea of Galilee called the Twelve, wrought miracles, and spoke words of wisdom and peace; which in due season hung on the cross, lay in the tomb, rose from the dead, and now reigns in heaven. I praise, and bless, and give myself wholly to Him, who is the true Bread of my soul, and my everlasting joy. (St John Henry Newman)
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Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
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The procession was led by members of the University in their doctoral gowns.
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A wonderful display of devotion to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament on Sunday. We couldn’t fit everyone into church at the start of the procession.
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This is the Saint of gentleness and kindness,
Cheerful in penance, and in precept winning;
Patiently healing of their pride and blindness,
Souls that are sinning.
This is the Saint, who, when the world allures us,
Cries her false wares and opes her magic coffers,
Points to a better city, and secures us
With richer offers.
Love is his bond, he knows no other fetter,
Asks not our all, but takes whate’er we spare him,
Willing to draw us on from good to better,
As we can bear him.
When he comes near to teach us and to bless us,
Prayer is so sweet that hours are but a minute,
Mirth is so pure, though freely it possess us,
Sin is not in it.
Thus he conducts, by holy paths and pleasant,
Innocent souls, and sinful souls forgiven,
Towards the bright palace, where our God is present,
Throned in high heaven.
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The more important a bishop is, the more assistants he needs to celebrate Mass.
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The Apostolic Nuncio celebrated a Pontifical Mass at the throne for St Philip’s Day.
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We welcomed His Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio to celebrate St Philip’s Day with us.
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The Eve of Pentecost is a fitting day to be marked out by the Holy Spirit in the sacrament of confirmation. Congratulations to Seth who was received into full Communion with the Church and confirmed today. #oxfordoratory
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Hail, true Body, truly born
of the Virgin Mary mild;
truly offered, wracked and torn,
on the Cross for all defiled;
From whose love-pierced, sacred side
flowed thy true Blood’s saving tide:
Be a foretaste sweet to me
in my death’s great agony,
O my loving, gentle One,
sweetest Jesus, Mary’s Son.
Benediction to conclude our May Devotions in honour of Our Lady.
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Today is the feast of the English Martyrs. We placed on the altar for Mass today our set of four reliquaries containing the relics of Edmund Campion, Oliver Plunkett, Henry Garnett, Robert Southwell, Henry Walpole, Edward Oldcorne, John Southworth, Thomas Whitbread, Thomas Garnett and Thomas More.
Faith of our fathers, living still
In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword:
Oh how our hearts beat high with joy
Whene’er we hear that glorious word!
Faith of our fathers! Holy Faith!
We will be true to thee till death.
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Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr John Hunwicke, who died on Tuesday.
Fr Hunwicke has been a friend of our community and a familiar face to our congregation for many years. He was ordained priest in our church in 2012 for the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. More recently he tutored many of the Fathers in Latin and was a regular guest speaker at our Lenten talks. He will be greatly missed.
His funeral will will take place in our church. Full details will follow once they have been confirmed.
Grant, we pray, O Lord, that the soul of John, your servant and Priest, whom you honoured with sacred office while he lived in this world, may exult for ever in the glorious home of heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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We had a great response to our collection of food for the Oxford Food Hub this weekend. Thanks to all the Oratory Outreach volunteers who made it possible. The next collection will be after Masses on the last weekend in May. #oxfordoratory
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Today is the Patronage of St Philip, the birthday of the Oxford Oratory. Three new members were enrolled in the Secular Oratory. Then we celebrated with cake.
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On Good Shepherd Sunday, we pray for more vocations to the priesthood. Please pray as well for the priests we already have and the ones who are on their way!
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Great crowds joined us for the smashing of the Easter egg after the 9:30 Mass on Easter Sunday.
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“Rejoice, let Mother Church also rejoice, arrayed with the lightning of his glory, let this holy building shake with joy, filled with the mighty voices of the peoples.”
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“Be glad, let earth be glad, as glory floods her, ablaze with light from her eternal King, let all corners of the earth be glad, knowing an end to gloom and darkness.”
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The Easter Vigil begins with the blessing of the fire and the Paschal Candle. The charcoal for the incense is taken from the fire.
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We, too, O God, will descend into the grave whenever it shall please thee, as it please thee, and wheresoever it shall please thee. Let thy just decrees be fulfilled; let our sinful bodies return to their parent dust, but do thou, in thy great mercy, receive our immortal souls, and when our bodies have risen again, place them likewise in thy kingdom that we may love and bless thee for ever and ever. Amen.
Good Friday concludes with the Stations of the Cross.
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“Faithful Cross! above all other, One and only noble Tree!
None in foliage, none in blossom, None in fruit thy peer may be!”
The procession with the fruit of the Holy Cross — Christ‘s Body — on Good Friday. #oxfordoratory
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Words cannot express our sorrow, so we prostrate ourselves on the floor as we begin the Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday.
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Meanwhile the other altars of the church are stripped bare, preparing us for Good Friday, and reminding us of Christ being stripped and flogged by the Roman soldiers.
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The Altar of Repose gives us a chance to watch with Christ on the eve of his Passion.
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The Blessed Sacrament is incensed at the end of Mass on Maundy Thursday, before being carried in procession to the Altar of Repose.
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During the Sacred Triduum, the Divine Office is sung in a special form. The psalms and readings that make up the offices of Matins and Lauds are sung in a darkened church, lit only by the light of the altar candles and tenebrae hearse. After each psalm, the candles are gradually extinguished until the church is left in darkness — in Latin, ‘tenebrae’.
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The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark.
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The beginning of Holy Week, and the Gospel of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. #oxfordoratory
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The final scene shows St Aloysius on his death bed aged 23, having caught the plague from those he had been nursing.
As well as the stunning scenes from St Aloysius’s life, this work has unlocked some of the general patterns that continued in other parts of the sanctuary. Notice how the leaf and vine pattern actually continues the mouldings above the reredos statues. It also ties in with the gold decoration behind the tabernacle and crucifix, and the brass railings beside the lecterns, showing us how the original decoration of our sanctuary all came together.
This work enables us now to reconstruct the decoration of the rest of the sanctuary, which has not survived under the modern paint in the same way as these murals, suffering from damp and flaking plaster over the years.
It is astonishing how quickly @clivedenconservation were able to uncover these paintings that had been lost for 60 years. Thank you to all our generous benefactors who made it possible to begin this work so quickly.
#oxfordoratory #oratory150
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The next scene show St Aloysius’ professing his vows as a member of the Society of Jesus.
When this scene first began to appear, we saw the haloed priest holding a Host and assumed it must have been St Charles giving Aloysius his first Communion. When we found that scene on the other side, we realised we were wrong!
Unusually for a scene from a saint’s life, it depicts Aloysius with his back to us. This highlights his turning his back on the world to serve Christ alone. Jesuits make their vows during Mass directly to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament just before Communion.
We‘re still not sure who the saintly priest is. The canonised superiors general of the Society St Ignatius and St Francis Borgia both died before 1587, when Aloysius made his vows. We think it is most likely to be St Robert Bellarmine.
A particular highlight of these murals can be seen in the beautiful detail of the acolyte’s candle, where the flame is depicted by a star in gold leaf.
#oxfordoratory #oratory150 @clivedenconservation
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Here are the first two scenes from the life of St Aloysius in our newly restored murals. The first shows his first Holy Communion at the hands of St Charles Borromeo on the left. On the right, St Aloysius receives his father’s blessing to renounce his inheritance and join the Society of Jesus.
Around the scenes are IHS and SA monograms, representing the Holy Name of Jesus and “St Aloysius”.
Underneath the layers of grey paint, we discovered there was actually a pretty serious crack in the plaster on this side. It’s not even possible to see where it was now, thanks to the excellent work by @clivedenconservation
#oxfordoratory #oratory150
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The sanctuary murals are completely uncovered and restored. Thank you to all the donors who made this work possible. Close up photos of each side with explanations to follow.
#oxfordoratory #oratory150
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The altar of Our Lady of Oxford came originally from the private chapel of Hartwell de la Garde Grissell on the High Street. Grissell’s chapel became the place where many entered the Catholic Church, and these new Catholics all received their First Communion from this altar. Today, this same altar served as a fitting place to continue a 150 year old tradition. Many congratulations to Edward, who was baptised today, and was confirmed and received his First Holy Communion at Grissell’s altar. #oxfordoratory
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Charlie was received into the Church today, confirmed with the name “Aloysius” and received his first Holy Communion. In the background, another Aloysius can be seen receiving his own first Communion. #oxfordoratory
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Today we celebrated the reception of Kevin and Melanie into full Communion with the Catholic Church.
Christians who are already baptised are “received” into the Church (and are not technically “converts”) because baptism joins a person to Christ’s Body — the Church — wherever it may take place. The fullness of Communion with the Church comes about by receiving Christ’s Body for the first time in the Eucharist.
Please pray for all those we have baptised or received into the Church recently, and carry on praying for those who are still on their way!
“We entreat you, brothers, as earnestly as we are able, to have charity, not only for one another, but also for those who are outside the Church. Of these some are still pagans, who have not yet made an act of faith in Christ. Others are separated, insofar as they are joined with us in professing faith in Christ, our head, but are yet divided from the unity of his body. My friends, we must grieve over these as over our brothers. Whether they like it or not, they are our brothers; and they will only cease to be so when they no longer say ‘Our Father’.” — St Augustine
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We pray the Stations of the Cross at 5:30pm every Friday during Lent. At the end, there is a blessing with a relic of the Holy Cross.
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Fr Dominic spoke on St Philip’s life of prayer this morning. #oxfordoratory
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Today we discovered a section of mural depicting St Aloysius’ First Holy Communion at the hands of St Charles Borromeo.
#oxfordoratory #oratory150
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Work on uncovering our sanctuary murals began this week. #oxfordoratory #oratory150
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Last Saturday, the sisters of the Spiritual Family The Work invited the Fathers and Brothers to Newman’s College at Littlemore to take part in the Forty Hours, where Benediction was given by one of their recently ordained priests. #oxfordoratory
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We have reached our goal of £20,000 to uncover the Pippet murals in our sanctuary. Thank you to all our generous donors!
The work will begin next Monday.
This old postcard of the church shows how important the murals are to planning the decoration of the whole sanctuary.
It’s still not too late to send a donation. All money will be put towards the next phases of restoring our church to celebrate its 150th birthday.
For more information or to donate go to:
#oxfordoratory #oratory150
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Our Lent Project this year is Let The Children Live! We welcomed the founder of the charity, Fr Peter Walters, as our guest preacher at all Masses this weekend.
We will be raising money for this project throughout Lent. You can donate to their excellent work directly at
From their website:
“Let The Children Live! is a charity that works in Colombia with children from the streets and shanty-towns of the city of Medellín. These children were once called ‘the disposable ones’ and although that name is no longer used they are still at high social risk from the violence that they experience in the streets and shanty-towns of cities such as Medellín. Most of the danger in the shanty-towns comes from the many gangs that control them. Let The Children Live! is at present working with 320 very vulnerable boys and girls in this city. For most of them it is their last hope. Their ages range from babies to teenagers and they are often unloved and unwanted; even beaten, robbed, raped and sometimes murdered. By the rest of the world they are either unknown or forgotten. The charity, which was founded by Fr Peter Walters, aims to safeguard the lives of these children from the poverty and violence of the streets and shanty-towns, and to make their lives worth living by giving them love, education and a future.”
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Today we confirmed ten adults: five newly baptised, three received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church, and two Catholics. Congratulations to them all, and a warm welcome to our new members of the Church!
Our newly confirmed have been preparing since October, and have been the first to attend our classes for adults. They have been waiting for this moment for a while now, but God has been looking forward to this moment for even longer. Monsignor Ronald Knox described how Christ waits for us to receive him in Holy Communion:
“Go to communion in some little country church, where you find yourself alone at the altar rails, or go to midnight Mass at Westminster Cathedral, and get sucked into the interminable queue which is slowly moving eastwards — it makes no difference. In either case the sacred Host which you are destined to receive contains the whole of Christ, all meant for you. “Is my friend there?” he is saying; waiting for you, like the person who comes to meet you at a crowded terminus, looking out for that particular trick of walking, that particular way of holding yourself, which will single you out at a distance.”
Please pray for those who received the sacraments today, and those who are still waiting. We have a few more people from our first classes still looking forward to the sacraments, and a whole new class preparing to receive the sacraments in June.
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Along with all the exciting decorative and building work, we will be doing a lot of necessary maintenance to the structure of the building. The roof, stone and brickwork all need attention. A lot of electrical wiring is due to be replaced. There will be a new more efficient underfloor heating system and better lighting.
All of this work is essential if we are to leave to future generations a church that is fit for purpose, and ready to serve the needs of a growing Catholic community in the city of Oxford.
Help us complete Phase 1:
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Our plans include finally building the missing baptistery for our church and a new chapel — or Little Oratory — dedicated to St John Henry Newman.
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Not all of the work that needs doing to our church is as visible as the sanctuary decoration, but it is still important. Our sacristy has developed various structural problems and its flat roof is failing. We have plans for a new sacristy, adding a floor for extra storage, and providing a fitting and safe home for the historic vestments, vessels and other items used in the sacred liturgy.
#oxfordoratory #oratory150
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Here is a more detail of our new high altar plans. The details and choice of stone are all based on the designs for the original high altar. That altar was unsympathetically modified in the 1950s. We have managed to incorporate as much as possible from that altar in this restoration.
#oxfordoratory #oratory150
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We’re uncovering the murals first so that we have a colour scheme for the whole sanctuary. We have to finish the rest of the high level sanctuary decoration next so that any scaffolding is resting on our old floor. But this work unlocks the possibility of a new floor, which we’ll need if we restore the high altar to its original position.
Here is an artist’s impression of the restored altar and the new floor. The altar has been designed by @adamarchitecture working from Joseph Hansom’s original sketches.
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We recently made a few budget improvements of our own to the church lighting. The new lights don’t make everything orange and are much more efficient to run.
It’s all part of making the sacred liturgy as beautiful as possible, so as to raise hearts and minds to God even more effectively.
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Gabriel Pippet designed the decoration in our Relic Chapel, which we restored in 2009. It gives us an idea of what the murals of St Aloysius’ life will look like when we uncover them on the sanctuary.
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The blessed candles are held while the Gospel is sung on the feast of Candlemas.
“A light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.”
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“Now altho ours in saying the Ecclesiastical Offices, except only the Vespers on Festival days, do not frequent the Church; yet they are wont to meet in Quire there, when any eminent Anniversary is kept; as on the day of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for Candles…” (First constitutions of the Oratory in Rome 1612, translated in Oxford 1687)
The Candlemas procession at the Solemn Mass yesterday.
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Our church will be 150 years old in 2025, and we want it looking its best!
This old postcard shows the detailed paintings in the arches above the sanctuary with scenes from the life of St Aloysius.
We want to uncover them.
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It’s been over a year since we uncovered some patches of the original sanctuary decoration, and discovered that more had survived than we thought. Wouldn’t it be nice to see what else is under the grey paint…
#oxfordoratory #oratory150
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New stock for the bookshop! Open weekdays 10:30 to 6pm and after all weekend Masses. #oxfordoratory
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“When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy; and going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshipped him.”
Children’s Epiphany Benediction
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The Holy Name of Jesus appears all over our church, like on the sanctuary gates here. #oxfordoratory
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Our celebrations on Christmas Day concluded with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. #oxfordoratory
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O God, who wonderfully created the dignity of human nature and still more wonderfully restored it, grant, we pray, that we may share in the divinity of him who humbled himself to share in our humanity, our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen. #oxfordoratory
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Devoutly we approach thy cradle, Lord, to find the one of whom the prophets spoke, and here behold the mighty God of thunders lying helpless on the straw. O grant us some of this humility that we may conquer mightily the reign of sin within us. And grant us, too, the protection of thy gentle mother, whose tender eye and loving heart attend thy every wish; thou who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.
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Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine,
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The Crib is blessed before Midnight Mass:
Hail and blessed be this hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary at midnight in Bethlehem, in piercing cold. In this hour vouchsafe, O God, to hear our prayer and grant our desires, that those who come to pray before this image of your most holy incarnation may be granted all they need for body and soul, through the merits of our Saviour, Jesus Christ and of his blessed Mother.
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The proclamation of Christmas from the Roman Martyrology: “The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh.” #oxfordoratory
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The youngest member of the community carries the bambino to the crib at the start of Midnight Mass.
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Merciful and loving God, whose will and gift it was that our Lord Jesus Christ humbled himself in order that he might raise up the whole race of men, stooping low to exalt the lowly, God born of a Virgin to restore in man the lost image of heaven: grant that this people of yours may remain always close to you, and that those whom you have freely redeemed may ever give you zealous and acceptable service. Prepare the minds of the faithful, and subdue unbelieving hearts, to welcome the surpassing mystery of your Son’s human birth. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.
Benediction at the conclusion of the Christmas Carol Service on Wednesday.
Photo by @lawrenceop
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We welcomed a huge number of new faces to join us for our Christmas Carol service last night. It is great to share the Christmas Gospel with so many people, and the spectacular music from the Oratory Choir helped raise our hearts and minds to God. #oxfordoratory
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A joy to welcome back a familiar face to celebrate the Solemn Mass today. #oxfordoratory
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Rorate Mass this morning. #oxfordoratory (Thanks to @acatholicinoxford for the photo)
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We welcomed Monsignor Andrew Burnham as our guest preacher at the Solemn Mass last night. Mgr Burnham has been a friend of our community for many years, and celebrated his first Mass in our church. #oxfordoratory
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Three more days left of the Immaculate Conception novena. The feast begins with Choral Vespers on Thursday at 6:30pm. On Friday, we will welcome Monsignor Andrew Burnham as our guest preacher at the Solemn Mass at 6pm.
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Annual Sung Requiem Mass last Saturday with the Secular Oratory, for the deceased members of the Secular Oratory throughout the world (we don’t yet have any of our own) and for the deceased loved ones of our own members.
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On Saturday we enrolled three new members of the Secular Oratory.
The Secular Oratory consists of those men and women who find themselves drawn by the spirit of St Philip to devote themselves more fully to God. They commit themselves to a simple rule of life, and meet together once a month for Mass, spiritual conversation and pray together, in addition to attending our other regular Oratory groups that meet each month. They all volunteer their time and their talents to further St Philip’s work in the Oratory.
Learn more:
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We sing Vespers from the Office of the Dead one evening a week during November.
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Our Christmas presents have started their journey round the world today, on their way to children who would otherwise have nothing for Christmas with @samaritanspurseuk.
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Tonight’s Oratory Young Adults meeting focused on ‘Death: the final frontier’.
‘Real solid inner joy of the heart is a gift from God, which derives from a good conscience, detachment from external things, and the contemplation of what is most profound. It comes through meditating on death, associating with devout men, nourishing ourselves regularly on the holy sacraments, taking great care over oneself and over others, practising generosity towards many, daily prayer to God, reverence for the holy Cross, the prayers of the saints and our devotion to them.
‘Now this is the purpose of our Oratory, of our way of life, of the companionship of our community…our meditations and frequent sermons about death, seen as something to be desired more than to dread; all is a preparation for death welcomed with a joyous heart. Let us go forth from our prison joyfully, when the Lord bids us.’
(from the dialogue by Cardinal Augustine
‘Philip, or On Christian Joy’)
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We commit our souls and bodies to the Most Holy Trinity, and to the merits and grace of our Lord Jesus, God Incarnate, to the intercession and compassion of our dear Mother Mary, to Saint Joseph, and our holy father Saint Philip, and especially to thee Saint John Henry. Together with all the saints and angels, pray to God to bring us all together again in heaven, under the feet of the Saints. And, after the pattern of the Good Shepherd, who seeks so diligently for those who are astray, ask him especially to have mercy on those who are external to the true fold, and to bring them into it before they die.
— A prayer to St John Henry Newman, based on his writings
The photo shows Mass in the chapel of St John Henry Newman as part of our pilgrimage to the Birmingham Oratory last Saturday.
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Concluding prayers in the shrine of St John Henry Newman at the end of our pilgrimage on Saturday.
The Fathers in Birmingham warmly welcomed a full coach of pilgrims from Oxford. A good number of our pilgrims had themselves been guided into the One Fold of the Redeemer with the encouragement of Our Cardinal. For all, the pilgrimage was a chance to get to know our saint better by visiting the home where he lived and worked for Christ, as well as to ask his continued prayers for all our needs.
Saint John Henry, pray for us!
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Adoremus in æternum sanctissimum Sacramentum!
Our annual Forty Hours’ devotion concluded last night with Vespers and Benediction.
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Congratulations to Br Ambrose, who was clothed in the habit of St Philip today.
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First day of school! Br Vincent and Br Clement started at Blackfriars today, studying philosophy and theology with the Dominican friars there. The course lasts five years — pray for them!
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Our annual night walk to Newman’s College at Littlemore commemorates the journey of Blessed Dominic Barberi on this same night in 1845, stopping at key points in the city associated with the life of Our Cardinal. The feast of St John Henry Newman is celebrated tomorrow, the anniversary of his reception into the Catholic Church.
Blessed Dominic wrote:
“I arrived in Oxford, sodden with rain, a few hours before midnight. I went to Littlemore, and whilst I was drying myself before the fire I turned round, and what was my surprise at seeing Mr Newman kneeling before me, begging me to hear his confession and receive him into the Catholic Church…
“This I consider an ample reward for all I have suffered since I left Italy, and I expect that the results of such conversions will be incalculable.”
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Litany of St John Henry Newman
Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Christ hear us. R. Christ graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven. R. Have mercy on us.
God the Son Redeemer of the World.
God the Holy Spirit.
Holy Trinity One God.
Holy Mary, R. Pray for us.
Holy Mother of God.
Holy Virgin of Virgins.
St Philip.
St John Henry.
Child of Mary.
Son of St Philip.
Man of Prayer.
Priest of God’s altar.
Minister of Compassion.
Herald of the Gospel.
Teacher of God’s wisdom.
Father of souls.
Example of priestly virtue.
Servant of the Church.
Seeker of Truth.
Guardian of Conscience.
Counsellor of converts.
Apostle of the doubtful.
Guide of the perplexed.
Educator of the laity.
Instructor of youth.
Pattern of perseverance.
Champion of the poor.
Companion of the sick.
Model of friendship.
Sentinel of purity.
Who abhorred sin.
Who separated yourself from attachments to this world.
Who yearned for the purity of angels.
Who longed for an increase in grace.
Who travelled from shadows into the light of Truth.
Who surrendered to the one true fold of Christ.
Who found such consolation in the Mass.
Who ardently preached the Word of God.
Who became for us a spiritual light in our darkness.
Who suffered calumny and injustice with patience.
Who bore insult meekly and returned good for evil.
Who set up a house of prayer.
Who turned so affectionately to the Mother of God.
Whose heart spoke to the Heart of Christ.
Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world, R. Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world, R. Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world, R. Have mercy on us.
Christ hear us.
Christ graciously hear us.
Pray for us St John Henry:
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.
O God, who bestowed on your priest Saint John Henry Newman the grace to follow your kindly light and find peace in your Church; graciously grant that, through his intercession and example, we may be led out of shadows and images into the fullness of your Truth. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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Holy Michael, archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be thou our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust down into hell Satan and all wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
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Congratulations to Elton who received the sacrament of confirmation this week.
If you haven’t been confirmed yet, speak to one of the Fathers. Our new series of weekly classes to prepare adults for baptism or confirmation will be starting soon. These classes are for Catholics who need to be confirmed and for those who are interested in becoming Catholic.
Enrolment forms for our children’s confirmation classes are available at the back of church now.
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The Fathers were happy to welcome a group of US journalists who are on pilgrimage this week to England, focusing on St John Henry Newman and our Catholic history. After Mass, they were given a short presentation about our work in Oxford and a talk on Newman in Oxford. #oxfordoratory
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Cafe Neri is open again after all Sunday morning Masses. This Sunday saw the first outing of our new look tables, which have benefitted from some DIY improvements. #oxfordoratory
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We have some great new stock in our bookshop that has arrived this week. Fr Rupert is seen here brushing up on his rubrics with the help of ‘Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus: An Introductory Latin Missal for Children’.
The bookshop is open after all Sunday Masses, on weekdays 10:30–6pm and after the evening Mass on Saturday.
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30 years ago today, Cardinal Stickler celebrated a Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving for the Canonical Establishment of the Oxford Oratory. This photograph with the community was taken after the Mass.
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The Oratory Prayer Book is now back in stock. Our first 1000 copies sold much faster than we anticipated, but 1000 more arrived this morning!
You can pick up a copy from our bookshop, or order online:
Share a photo of your prayer book being used by tagging it with #oratoryprayerbook.
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Today is the feast of Blessed Juvenal Ancina of the Roman Oratory.
He was training as a doctor when he wandered into a church where a funeral was taking place. He heard the ‘Dies irae’ being sung, and experienced a conversion. He met St Philip and joined the Roman Oratory. Later, he was made bishop of Saluzzo, where he was poisoned by a friar whom Juvenal had attempted to return to his religious order. He refused to testify against his murderer, so he could not be recognised as a martyr. However, his prayers and actions did bring about the conversion of the friar.
This prayer for his feast day incorporates some of the prayers Juvenal himself used.
O Lord, whose servant Blessed John Juvenal abandoned his training for the care of the human body for the yet nobler care of the human soul, that he might be spared on the day of wrath, who blessed him with a particular love for the service of thine altar and caused him to reckon his life of no account, if he should gain a single soul for thee; who surpassed his virtue of humility, only by his virtue of obedience; and having raised him to the dignity of the episcopate bestowed upon him the martyr’s crown in all but name; grant us by his intercession and example to be joyful, to serve thee, O Lord, in gladness, to forgive all who do us harm, to do good and to suffer ill, to persevere unto the end. Jesus, sweet Jesus, with Mary give peace to our souls.
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Thanks to Anna for modelling the new Oxford Oratory tote bag. Ideal for shopping, picnicking, a day at the beach or as a Sunday morning Mass bag! Our sturdy canvas tote is decorated with St Philip’s crest in fashionable sepia. Available at the Oratory Bookshop at just £11.99. #oxfordoratory
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“Take this burning light and keep true to your baptism throughout a blameless life. Keep the commandments of God; that when the Lord shall come like bridegroom to his marriage feast you, in company with all the Saints, may meet him in the heavenly courts, and there live for ever.”
Congratulations to Clara, baptised today on the feast of St Clare!
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An old joke says that a Dominican and a Jesuit were once arguing about whose was the greater order. They compared the reason each was founded: the Dominicans to save people from the Albigensian heresy, the Jesuits to fight Protestantism. The Dominican smiled and asked: ‘Met any Albigensians recently?’
The strange thing about the great success of St Dominic as a preacher and founder of the Order of Preachers is that not a single sermon of his survives. Perhaps this is because he simply preached the Gospel, and so there was no need to record what he said.
It is a style of preaching that our own St Philip picked up from the Dominicans. He used to say that he learnt all that was good in him when he was young from the friars in Florence, and he enjoyed a close friendship with the friars in Rome for the rest of his life. They even gave him keys to the Minerva, so that he could let himself in for Matins and Compline, which he would often do, bringing a group of young people with him.
That friendship between the Oratory and the Dominicans continues today in Oxford. Most of the fathers studied for the priesthood at Blackfriars, and in October our two brothers will also start their studies there.
We pray today for all our Dominican friends on the feast of St Dominic, and especially the community at Blackfriars and the Dominican sisters who live in our parish.
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Throughout the year, we make use of our “poor box” donations to support people in need both in Oxford and further from home.
We were delighted to be able to help to pay for an altar at the shrine of St Denis Sebugwawo in Kampala, Uganda. Fr Crawford, who runs the church, sent us some photos of the newly installed altar, and writes:
“On behalf of Fr. Nouveau the superior of our Kampala house and all the faithful attached to the apostolate of the Institute of the Good Shepherd in Uganda, I wish to offer heartfelt thanks for your assistance in raising the new altar at St. Denis Sebugwawo shrine. Where we were previously obliged to offer the holy sacrifice on a low table, there is now an altar of simple but noble design, constructed in mahogany by local craftsmen. A footpace is yet to be added, but without doubt the new arrangement is more befitting the cult of the living God, and the faithful – who are absolutely delighted – are better reminded that in the temple of their hearts a pure offering must be made to Him whom angels worship without ceasing.
“Be assured of our continuing prayer for all your intentions, and please remember us before Our Lady of Oxford. I request in particular your prayers for fifteen children who will make their first holy communion at St. Denis' on Sunday 20th August.”
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“Philip knew very well that men mostly carry to the grave the vicious habits they have acquired in their youth; and hence it was, that although he was anxious to turn all kinds of people from sin, he laboured with a special zeal for the conversion and perseverance of youth, sedulously inventing ways of keeping them from offending God, and insinuating into their hearts the desire of virtue. Sometimes he left his prayers, and went down to sport and banter with young men, and by this sweetness and condescension, and playful conversation, he gained their souls.” (From the life of St Philip)
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We don’t just prepare new converts to receive the sacraments for the first time. Here is Louis-Oscar who was confirmed yesterday. If you are an adult and haven’t yet received the sacrament of confirmation, speak to one of the Fathers and we’ll be happy to help you. #oxfordoratory
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The image of Our Lady of Oxford, depicting the Blessed Virgin Mary as ‘Mother of Mercy’, was brought to Oxford in the 19th century by Hartwell de la Garde Grissell. Grissell showed the image to his friend, Pope Pius IX, who in 1869 granted indulgences to those who recited certain prayers before the image. Grissell bequeathed the contents of his private chapel to our church when he died, and the baptistery was converted into the chapel we see today to house it all.
The indulgences granted by Pius IX expired in 1969, but this year we applied to have them reinstated. We are very pleased to announce that the Apostolic Penitentiary, in the name of the Holy Father, has renewed the grant of indulgences as follows:
• A partial indulgence applicable to the Holy Souls is granted to anyone who recites the Salve Regina (Hail, Holy Queen) before the image.
• A partial indulgence is now granted to anyone who recites the Litany of Loreto before the image of Our Lady of Oxford.
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As well as St Mary Magdalene, today is the feast of Our Lady of Oxford, Mother of Mercy, which falls each year on the Saturday before the fourth Sunday of July.
There are devotions to Our Lady of Oxford throughout the year on Saturdays after the 10am Mass, and there will be special devotions after the Solemn Mass tomorrow.
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We are privileged to be so close to Newman’s College at Littlemore, where he lived and was received into the Church. The College is now in the care of the sisters of the Spiritual Family The Work. Today Fr Dominic visited the college to say Mass for a Catholic summer school on a Newman pilgrimage.
You can find the opening times of the College if you would like to make your own pilgrimage here:
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In the Gospel this Sunday, we heard Our Lord say: “Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest.” Jesus calls us to come to him especially in the Blessed Sacrament.
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We were delighted to welcome the newly ordained Dom Stanislaus to celebrate the Solemn Mass this morning.
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If you are travelling this summer, don’t forget to pray before you go!
There are some beautiful prayers that form part of the traditional Roman “Itinerary” (the prayers said when setting out on a journey) in our new prayer book.
O God, who led the children of Israel through the midst of the sea on dry ground, and who sent a star to guide the Magi to your birthplace, direct our steps in the way of peace and prosperity. Send your holy angel Raphael to be our companion, that we may happily reach our destination, and come at last into the haven of eternal salvation.
O God, who preserved Abraham your servant unhurt through all his journeys when you called him from his homeland, we beseech you to protect also us your servants. Be our support in our leaving, our comfort on the way, our shade in the heat, our shelter in rain and cold, our rest in weariness, our fortress in danger, our staff on perilous slopes, and our harbour in stormy seas, that with you for our guardian and guide, we may be kept safe from all harm throughout our lives, happily reaching our journey’s end, and returning to our home in peace, safety and joy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The use of airline safety images is optional when reciting this prayer. This photo was sent to us by a member of the Oratory family. Share a photo of your prayer book being used by tagging it with #oratoryprayerbook.
Order your copy here:
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Welcome home to James who was received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church this week! #oxfordoratory
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Congratulations to Dom Stanislaus on his ordination to the priesthood yesterday at St Michael’s Abbey, Farnborough!
We look forward to welcoming him back to celebrate the Solemn Mass in our church on Sunday 9 July at 11am.
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Congratulations to Andrew and Nina, baptised this morning!
Today, the birthday of St John the Baptist, is a fitting day to baptise, and not just because he is famous for baptising people. His birth marks the end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New. Today is about looking forward to the future. Baptism can sometimes feel like an ending after the period of preparation and catechesis, but it is of course only the beginning of the Christian life. The big work lies before us. As St Philip used to say, “The great thing is to become saints.”
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Yesterday we welcomed Fr William Pearsall of the Society of Jesus to preach for the feast of St Aloysius.
“What Aloysius did is what many saints have done — many who are condemned for not being useful. They explored the frontiers of the spiritual life. They were heroic in the sense that those who went to the North Pole or the South Pole or climbed the highest mountains, they were heroic… They were heroic because they were living with the discovery of God and how the limits between nature and grace will always be an expanding horizon.”
St Aloysius, pray for us!
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Happy feast of St Aloysius!
Two relics of his are displayed this month in our relic chapel, including a letter bearing his signature.
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Heart of Jesus, all-holy! Fountain of all blessings, I adore thee, I love thee, and with a lively sorrow for my sins, I offer thee this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure, and wholly obedient to thy will. Good Jesus, grant that I may live in thee and for thee. Protect me in the midst of danger; comfort me in my afflictions; give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs, thy blessing on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death. Amen.
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A photo from Sunday’s Solemn Mass for Corpus Christi.
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The Corpus Christi procession concluded with Benediction at the University Chaplaincy. #oxfordoratory
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The procession finished at the University’s Catholic Chaplaincy. #oxfordoratory
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The numbers caught the attention of the local media:
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Children scattered flower petals before the Blessed Sacrament all the way. #oxfordoratory
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Our route now passes through the city in a straight line, taking us directly through the busiest shopping areas. #oxfordoratory
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The canopy was carried by members of the University of Oxford wearing their academic dress. #oxfordoratory
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We were joined by local clergy and religious orders as we processed through the streets to the Dominican Priory at Blackfriars. #oxfordoratory
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We had record numbers for the procession this year. There wasn’t space in church for everyone at the beginning! There were more people outside too. #oxfordoratory
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The beginning of our Corpus Christi procession last Sunday.
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The Oratory Prayer Book is now shipping internationally!
We’ve made it even easier to buy the Oratory Prayer Book from anywhere in the world.
And we’ve made it easier to order multiple copies too — in the UK and worldwide.
Order your copy here:
If you have one, we’d love to hear what you think about it. Let us know in the comments, or tag a photo of your prayer book in the wild with #oratoryprayerbook
Thanks to @acatholicinoxford for the photo.
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On Saturday, Fr Rupert led Men’s Oratory on a walking pilgrimage to Islip, birthplace of St Edward the Confessor. #oxfordoratory
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Congratulations to Elizabeth who was received into the Church yesterday evening on the Feast of the Visitation. #oxfordoratory
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Congratulations to Livi, baptised on the vigil of Pentecost.
“Therefore, Lord, we pray: graciously accept this oblation of our service, that of your whole family, which we make to you also for those to whom you have been pleased to give the new birth of water and the Holy Spirit, granting them forgiveness of all their sins; order our days in your peace, and command that we be delivered from eternal damnation and counted among the flock of those you have chosen. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
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Even though we have just changed all the light bulbs, our church looks its best when we don’t need to use them.
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Blessings with St Philip’s relic after Vespers on Thursday.
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Look down from heaven, Holy Father, from the loftiness of that mountain to the lowliness of this valley; from that harbour of quietness and tranquillity to this calamitous sea. And now that the darkness of this world hinders no more those benignant eyes of thine from looking clearly into all things, look down and visit, O most diligent keeper, this vineyard which thy right hand planted with so much labour, anxiety and peril. To thee then we fly; from thee we seek for aid; to thee we give our whole selves unreservedly. Thee we adopt for our patron and defender; undertake the cause of our salvation, protect thy clients. To thee we appeal as our leader; rule thine army fighting against the assaults of the devil. To thee, kindest of pilots, we give up the rudder of our lives; steer this little ship of thine, and, placed as thou art on high, keep us off all the rocks of evil desires, that with thee for our pilot and our guide, we may safely come to the port of eternal bliss.
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Our celebrations for St Philip began with First Vespers last night and continue with Masses today. Here St Philip’s relic and altar are incensed during Vespers.
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Our new longer term temporary digital organ was hoisted up to the gallery this week in time for First Vespers of Our Holy Father St Philip. Catch up on our YouTube channel if you missed it, and join us for the Solemn Mass at 6pm this Friday.
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A Prayer of Our Holy Father St Philip:
My Lord Jesus, I want to love you but you cannot trust me. If you do not help me, I will never do any good. I do not know you; I look for you but I do not find you. Come to me, O Lord. If I knew you, I would also know myself. If I have never loved you before, I want to love you truly now. I want to do your will alone; putting no trust in myself, I hope in you, O Lord.
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The Paschal Candle has been lit for Masses since the Easter Vigil to represent Christ’s presence among us, as with his disciples for forty days. After the Gospel of the Solemn Mass yesterday, it is extinguished to symbolise his ascension into heaven.
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Q: How many Oratorians does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: “Change”?
Actually the real answer turns out to be three, plus one very helpful volunteer and a lot of scaffolding. The sanctuary lighting is all working at full brightness again!
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Congratulations to David who was baptised on Saturday!
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One of this month’s relics on display is St Philip’s own copy of Jacapone da Todi’s “Laude”, which St Philip has written his name in. The story of how it was rediscovered in our church — only days before the first Fathers of the Oratory arrived here from Birmingham — is extraordinary. You might find it hard to believe, unless you heard it straight from the priest who found them, who is now the Bishop of Leeds. Read his account from his St Philip’s day sermon on our website:
The novena to St Philip begins on Tuesday after the evening Mass. You will be able to place your own prayer intentions for the novena in St Philip’s chapel over the weekend.
There will be Solemn Choral Vespers on Thursday 25 May at 6:30pm.
We will welcome Fr Robert Ombres OP from Blackfriars to preach at the Solemn Mass for the feast day itself on Friday 26 May at 6pm.
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God save the King!
Photo from our Coronation watch party today.
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Where will you be watching tomorrow? Preparations are well underway for the Oratory Watch Party tomorrow after the 10:00am Mass. Why not join us? #oxfordoratory
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We’re delighted to launch the Oratory Prayer Book, which we’ve been working on for some time now.
It’s a pocket-sized book packed with the best prayers we could find. It’s available to buy in person from our bookshop or online through our website.
Read more (and order your copy!) here:
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Today marks 30 years since our Oratory here in Oxford was established as an independent house by the Holy See. The image is a photo of the decree from Rome.
We mark the anniversary each year by celebrating the feast of the Patronage of St Philip. After Mass tonight, there will be a Musical Oratory to ask St Philip’s continued intercession. We will also sing the Te Deum to thank God for all the blessings bestowed on the Fathers and Brothers and all those they serve in this city.
“The time to do good is not finished yet.” — St Philip
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Congratulations to Jack, received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church today! #oxfordoratory
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Vidi aquam egredientem de templo,
a latere dextro, alleluia;
et omnes, ad quos pervenit aqua ista, salvi facti sunt
et dicent: Alleluia, alleluia.
I saw water flowing from the Temple,
from its right-hand side, alleluia;
and all to whom this water came were saved
and shall say: Alleluia, alleluia.
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“May the power of the Holy Spirit,
O Lord, we pray,
come down through your Son
into the fullness of this font,
so that all who have been buried with Christ
by Baptism into death
may rise again to life with him.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen.”
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The fire is blessed and the Paschal candle lit at the beginning of the Easter Vigil.
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The altar of repose is transformed into the sepulchre after the Solemn Liturgy on Good Friday.
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The Crucified is risen from the dead and has redeemed us, alleluia, alleluia.
V. Tell among the nations, alleluia.
R. That the Lord has reigned from the tree, alleluia.
Let us pray. O God, who willed your Son to undergo the torment of the Cross for us, in order to drive far away from us the power of the enemy, grant to us your servants that we may share in his resurrection. Through the same Jesus Christ your Son Our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Veneration of the relic of the True Cross after Stations of the Cross on Good Friday.
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The Blessed Sacrament is carried from the altar of repose during the Good Friday liturgy.
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The veneration of the Cross during the Solemn Liturgy of the Passion.
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The Cross is unveiled during the Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday. #oxfordoratory
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Diviserunt sibi vestimenta mea, et super vestem meam miserunt sortem. (Psalm 21)
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“Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, ‘Sit here, while I go yonder and pray.’ And taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, ‘My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with me.’” (Matthew 26:36–38)
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Pange lingua, gloriosi
Corporis mysterium,
Sanguinisque pretiosi,
Quem in mundi pretium
Fructus ventris generosi
Rex effudit gentium.
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“Come, eat my bread and drink the wine, which I have prepared you.” (Tract of Maundy Thursday, Proverbs 9:5)
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“In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me. For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. (Epistle of Maundy Thursday, 1 Corinthians 11:26)
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“For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread. And when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” (Epistle of Maundy Thursday, 1 Cor. 11:23–24)
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“From the rising of the sun to its setting, my name is great among the nations. And in every place, a sacrifice is offered to my name, a pure offering, for my name is great among the nations.” (Tract of Maundy Thursday, Malachi 1:11)
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Behold, O good and sweetest Jesus,
I cast myself upon my knees in thy sight,
and with the most fervent desire of my soul
I pray and beseech thee
to impress upon my heart
lively sentiments of faith,
hope and charity,
with true repentance for my sins
and a most firm desire of amendment.
Whilst with deep affection and grief of soul
I consider within myself
and mentally contemplate
thy five most precious wounds,
having before mine eyes that which David,
the prophet, long ago spoke concerning thee,
‘They have pierced my hands and my feet,
they have numbered all my bones.’
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The ceremonies of Holy Week take a lot of practice. Here is the rehearsal with the servers for the Palm Sunday procession.
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The blessed palms are held while the Passion is sung.
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The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew is sung.
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“Gloria, laus et honor tibi sit, Rex Christe, Redemptor: cui puerile decus prompsit Hosanna pium.”
The procession on Palm Sunday
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“Hosanna to the Son of David; blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel. Hosanna in the highest.”
The blessing of Palms on Sunday
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“Behold, I was like an innocent lamb; I was led to the slaughter, and I knew it not. My enemies have conspired together against me, saying: Come, let us put poison into his bread, and let us cut him off out of the land of the living.”
The first of Victoria’s Tenebrae Responsories we heard at Friday night’s Passiontide Musical Oratory. St Philip used Musical Oratories to lift our minds and hearts to God through beautiful music, and we try to do the same.
This is a busy week for our choir. You can see our full music list for Holy Week and Easter here:
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Our bookshop is open every day with a carefully chosen selection of Catholic books and devotions items including handmade and monastic products. Why not call in and find some spiritual reading or buy some of our beautiful cards? #oxfordoratory
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Fr Nicholas has been flown across the Atlantic to preach a series of sermons and talks for the Forty Hours at Prince of Peace Church in Taylors, South Carolina.
The series is titled: “The one great thing to love on earth” — an Oratorian spirituality of the Blessed Sacrament with St Philip Neri, St Francis de Sales, and St John Henry Newman, and the recordings are available to watch here:
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A handwritten note from the past reminds us each year that the Passiontide veils must never be put out without ironing them first. #oxfordoratory
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Friends of the Oratory enjoyed an exclusive tour of some of the treasures of Westminster Cathedral and some of the finest treasures of the Catholic Church in England. Here the Head Sacristan shows a hand illuminated manuscript of the Te Deum hymn of thanksgiving — a fitting end to an exceptional event! To support the Oxford Oratory by becoming a Friend, and participate in future events, see #oxfordoratory
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Our relic of the month display features a manuscript of St Catherine of Bologna, whose feast day is today. She is celebrated for her artistic skill as well as her mystic virtue.
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The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration from 10:30am to 6pm every Saturday of Lent. Stop and spend some time with Our Lord, even if only for a few minutes, if you pass the church this Saturday. #oxfordoratory
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We have Stations of the Cross at 5:30pm every Friday during Lent.
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Our Saturday Talks for Lent began yesterday with ‘Job and the problem of suffering’.
Join us next week for ‘Tobit and the rewards of generosity’ at 11am. Cafe Neri will be open from 10:30.
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The devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to him, “All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.” Then Jesus said to him, “Be gone, Satan! For it is written: You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.” (Matthew 4:8–10)
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The Solemn Mass begins each Sunday with the “Asperges”, which takes its name from the antiphon sung as holy water is sprinkled:
Asperges me, Domine, hyssopo, et mundabor: lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.
You will sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be clean. You will wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. (Ps. 50:9)
Like the priests of the old covenant washing themselves before they offered sacrifice, this ritual purification reminds us of the preparation and repentance we need before we can receive God’s gifts. In a similar way, our Lenten penances prepare us to take part in the celebrations of the Lord’s Passion and Resurrection in Holy Week.
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“The day of Ashes, and the beginning of the holy season of Lent. See, the days of penance are coming, for the remission of sins, for the salvation of souls. See, this is the acceptable time, when the ascent begins towards the mountain of Easter.” (from the Roman Martyrology for Ash Wednesday)
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The last time many of us learned about the faith was when we were at school. But if this is you, help is at hand! Our adult catechism class meets each month working our way through the main sections of the Catechism. On Thursday we looked at Grace and the Soul but why not join us on Thursday 2 March at 8pm when we will learn about the “Holy Spirit, Lord & Giver of Life” #oxfordoratory
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St Bernadette records being asked which made her happier: her First Holy Communion or seeing the apparitions of Our Lady at Lourdes (which we commemorate today). St Bernadette wrote:
‘I could but answer, “The two go together. They cannot be compared. I only know I was very happy on both occasions.” Years later I would write in my prayerbook in Nevers, “I was nothing, and of this nothing God made something great. In Holy Communion I am heart to heart with Jesus. How sublime is my destiny.”’
Nothing beats the miracle we are all invited to take part in, of receiving Christ himself in Holy Communion. Today we shared that miracle with Soubera and Catherine, as they were received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church, and made their own First Holy Communions.
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And still, though Candlemas be spent
And Alleluias o'er,
Mary is music in our need,
And Jesus light in store.
— from St John Henry Newman’s hymn for Candlemas
A photo from last night’s Candlemas procession.
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There is something very encouraging about a room full of young adults praying together silently with the scriptures. That’s what we were doing last night at our Oratory Young Adults session on ‘The book that reads you’. Join us next time on Friday 17 February for ‘Too late to turn back now’.
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All of today’s Masses were offered for the repose of the soul of Cardinal Pell, with Vespers for the Dead sung after the evening Mass. The Cardinal was a friend of our community, and patron of our Friends organisation. May he soon be a friend for us in heaven also.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
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10 years ago, we welcomed the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary into full Communion in our Church. The same day marked the foundation of their new Benedictine community, having previously been members of the Anglican Community of St Mary the Virgin in nearby Wantage. We try to celebrate the anniversary together each year with them in their current home in Birmingham, and it was a joy to be able to do so again after a few years’ interruption.
You can read their story here:
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O God, who in your unutterable providence willed that your servant Benedict be numbered among your high priests, grant, we beseech you, that he who governed on earth on behalf of your only begotten Son may be admitted to the company of your holy bishops forevermore. Through the same Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.
Solemn Requiem Mass for Pope Benedict XVI last night.
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Devoutly we approach thy cradle, Lord, to find the one of whom the prophets spoke, and here behold the mighty God of thunders lying helpless on the straw. O grant us some of this humility that we may conquer mightily the reign of sin within us. And grant us, too, the protection of thy gentle mother, whose tender eye and loving heart attend thy every wish; thou who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.
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“Celebrating the most sacred night
on which blessed Mary the immaculate Virgin
brought forth the Saviour for this world...”
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“The Lord said to me: You are my Son.
It is I who have begotten you this day.”
(Psalm 2:7, Introit for Midnight Mass)
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The Solemn Proclamation of Christmas is sung from the Roman Martyrology before Midnight Mass:
When ages beyond number had run their course from the creation of the world, when God in the beginning created heaven and earth, and formed man in his own likeness; when century upon century had passed since the Almighty placed his bow in the clouds after the Deluge, as a sign of covenant and peace; in the twenty-first century since Abraham, our father in faith, came out of Ur of the Chaldees; in the thirteenth century since the People of Israel were led by Moses in the exodus from Egypt; in around the thousandth year since David was anointed King; in the sixty-fifth week of the prophecy of Daniel; in the one hundred and ninety fourth Olympiad; in the year seven hundred and fifty two since the foundation of the City of Rome; in the forty second year of the reign of Caesar Octavian Augustus, the whole world being at peace, Jesus Christ, being eternal God and Son of the eternal Father, desiring to consecrate the world by his most loving presence, conceived by the Holy Spirit, after nine months had passed since his conception, in Bethlehem of Judah was born of the Virgin Mary, and was made man: The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh.
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The bambino on his way to the crib before the first Mass of Christmas this evening. Happy Christmas!
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Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at the end of our carol service on Wednesday night. A fitting conclusion to our evening contemplating Emmanuel, God with us.
“The Holy Eucharist is the continuation of Christ’s incarnation on earth. The mystery of the Eucharist gives us the joy of having Christmas everyday. When we come to the Blessed Sacrament we come to Bethlehem, a name which means ‘house of bread’.” (From the Rosary Meditations of St Teresa of Calcutta)
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Massive thanks to our cleaning team and porters for all their hard work throughout the year. We couldn’t keep the church open without them! We’re especially grateful to two of our volunteers who are retiring this year: Christine for all her dedication in running the Oratory Bookshop and to Paulette who was one of our first porters when the Lodge was built.
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Wonderful carol service with the Oratory choir last night in preparation for Christmas. Catch up online if you missed it:
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Unfortunately St Aloysius’ School Carol Service is not happening as scheduled this evening. The Oratory crib scene is up, however, and ready for our own Carol Service this Wednesday at 8:00pm with the Oratory Choir. Do join us then for this beautiful service in preparation for Christmas!
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A photo of the parish choir at our Advent Musical Oratory last night. Catch up here if you missed it:
Our Christmas Carol Service will take place next week, Wednesday 21 December with the Oratory Choir.
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The final Men’s Oratory of the year and the last meeting of all our Oratory groups for 2022. We heard about the many inspiring examples given to us in the martyrs of the French Revolution, who marched under the banner of the Sacred Heart. Meetings of all our Oratory groups will continue in 2023! #oxfordoratory
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‘The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it.’ (John 1:5)
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Some preparations for Christmas are more dramatic than others. Today Nicholas became a Catholic, and it is a great joy to welcome him into full Communion with the Church!
Please pray for Nicholas, and for all those we are currently preparing to be received in the new year.
If you are interested in becoming a Catholic, or know someone who is, come and speak to one of the fathers or send us an email.
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“It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
and to praise, bless, and glorify your name
in veneration of the Blessed ever-Virgin Mary.
For by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit
she conceived your Only Begotten Son,
and without losing the glory of virginity,
brought forth into the world the eternal Light,
Jesus Christ our Lord.”
A photo from our annual Rorate Mass in honour of Our Lady — part of our preparation for Christmas.
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We began the feast of Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception tonight with Solemn Vespers. Solemn Mass tomorrow at 6pm. Catch up with Vespers if you missed it: #oxfordoratory
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Today we had the joy of clothing a new novice Br Clement in the habit of Our Holy Father Saint Philip.
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Today we are hosting the annual Christmas lunch for the less fortunate run by the Companions of the Order of Malta. Some of the Fathers and Brothers are helping out in the kitchen. Potato peeling began at 8am.
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And they’re off! Today we shipped off our shoeboxes filled with Christmas presents as part of Operation Christmas Child. 180 children who would otherwise have received nothing will now have something to look forward to on Christmas Day. #oxfordoratory
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Our statue of St Edmund of Abingdon shows him holding another statue — a representation of the medieval statue of Our Lady of Oxford the saint made a vow of perpetual virginity before. As well as being born in nearby Abingdon, St Edmund taught in the University of Oxford, later going on to be made Archbishop of Canterbury. Many canonised saints (as well as many more unknown ones) have lived and worked in this city. May God grant us many more local saints again!
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Solemn Requiem for the fallen on Remembrance Sunday.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
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Our exploratory works are now complete — the scaffolding is all gone and the holes are all filled in. The test patches where the original decoration was uncovered remain until we can afford to uncover them fully. The exciting news is that more of the original decoration survives than we thought. That means future decorative works will be more a case of uncovering and restoring than of trying to recreate them from the limited historic pictures we have of the church.
As ever, the most important works were largely unseen. As well as assessing the state of plaster and stone work in the sanctuary with a view to future decoration, there were holes all over the church (and outside it) investigating the depth of the foundations and the ground underneath. These are all important factors in planning future building works…
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In the earliest constitutions for the Oratory in Rome, it says that a Solemn Mass of Requiem is said for the deceased members of the congregation within the octave of All Saints. We have also developed the custom that the Fathers and Brothers themselves sing the ‘Libera me’ during the absolutions at the catafalque. We give our departed brethren a voice as we sing the prayer:
“Deliver me, O Lord, from death eternal on that fearful day, when the heavens and the earth shall be moved, when thou shalt come to judge the world by fire. I am made to tremble, and I fear, till the judgment be upon us, and the coming wrath, when the heavens and the earth shall be moved. That day, day of wrath, calamity and misery, day of great and exceeding bitterness, when thou shalt come to judge the world by fire. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord: and let light perpetual shine upon them.”
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“Therefore he made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin.” (2 Maccabees 12:45)
All priests can say three Masses on All Souls, to give the faithful departed as much help as possible. All the faithful can assist the Holy Souls not just through prayer, but also through special indulgences granted by the Church in November. Every November, there are opportunities to obtain plenary indulgences for the Holy Souls in purgatory by: (1) visiting a church on 2 November and praying the Our Father and Creed; (2) visiting a cemetery and praying for the faithful departed on any of the days between 1 and 8 November (it is possible to obtain an indulgence each day this is done). As with all plenary indulgences, it is also necessary to go to confession, receive Holy Communion, pray for the Pope’s intentions and be detached from all sin.
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The feast of All Saints has its origins in 609, when Pope Boniface IV transferred the relics of the martyrs from the catacombs of Rome to the Pantheon, the temple formerly dedicated to all the gods of Rome now a church in honour of Our Lady and the martyrs. The relic cupboards in our Relic Chapel are open for the feast, revealing some substantial relics from the Roman catacombs — a link with the great hero saints of the early Church, now praying for us in heaven. #oxfordoratory
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The arches in the sanctuary were once decorated with scenes from the life of St Aloysius by the artist Gabriel Pippet. Here is a figure that was uncovered today.
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Over time, St Philip decided the Oratory needed its own church, and the ‘New Church’, the ‘Chiesa Nuova’ as it is still known, was built.
Photo from the Friends of the Oratory pilgrimage to Rome.
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The Oratory began at San Girolamo della Carità. People would come each day to hear St Philip speak and to spend time in prayer together. His rooms have now been converted into a chapel.
Photo from the Friends of the Oratory pilgrimage to Rome.
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Fr Benedict recently led a Friends of the Oratory pilgrimage to Rome, ‘In the footsteps of St Philip’.
Support the Oxford Oratory by becoming a friend:
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The original decoration of our church wasn’t all dependent on paint. Running the length of the nave, there are panels of marble above each archway, in the area underneath the windows. We get a really good idea of what it looks like from the big patches that have just been uncovered.
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We’re not quite sure why the original decoration of the church was painted over — whether it was meant to be a permanent simplification, or a temporary way of dealing with a dirty church that would have been too expensive to restore properly at the time. The initial investigations have shown that (so far at least!) more of the original design survives than we thought, under the layers of monochrome paint.
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We have scaffolding up in church for the next few weeks while we investigate the condition of the stone, plaster and decoration at the upper levels. (There are also much less exciting holes being opened in the floor to find out what’s underneath.) This is all part of our ongoing maintenance of the building, but we’re also taking the opportunity to learn more about the original decorative scheme — photos of what’s been uncovered to follow.
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At Women’s Oratory last night, we discussed why it’s important to ask God for what we need when we pray. The next meeting will be on Tue 15 Nov at 7:45.
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The church is shut for most of the day while scaffolding goes up. This is all part of the planning for the future of our buildings. #oxfordoratory
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Jesu! whom for the present veil’d I see,
What I so thirst for, O vouchsafe to me:
That I may see thy countenance unfolding,
And may be blest thy glory in beholding.
Our Forty Hours concluded with Benediction this evening. #oxfordoratory
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Our Forty Hours devotion has begun, with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament all through the night.
Next had they exposition for
The Forty Hours’ Prayer,
Which Philip introduced to Rome,
And all in this did share:
As each one’s turn for watching closed:
“Your hour,” he said, “is done,
But still the time for doing good
Is only just begun.”
(From The Rhymed Life of Saint Philip)
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Congratulations to Br Vincent, clothed as a novice in the habit of St Philip today. #oxfordoratory
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One Oratory founder preaching on another — we were joined by our own Bishop Robert for the feast of St John Henry Newman. #oxfordoratory
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A warm welcome to Sam, received into full Communion with the Catholic Church this morning!
Please pray also for the many new members of the Church we have baptised and received over the past few months whose photos didn’t make it online, and for all those still preparing to be baptised or received in the coming months.
If you are interested in becoming a Catholic, or know someone who is, come and speak to one of the fathers or send us an email.
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We have been preparing for the feast of St John Henry Newman with a triduum of devotions before his relic.
The final set of devotions will take place on Saturday at 6pm. The annual night walk to Littlemore, commemorating the journey of Blessed Dominic Barberi on the night of Newman’s conversion, will set off from our church at 7:15.
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For the last two years, the Fathers have been busy working on exciting plans for the future of our buildings. We are nearly ready to share all of our plans publicly — we just have to wait for the final planning permissions to come through.
While we’re waiting, here is a peak at something from the church…
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Absolve, we beseech you O Lord, the soul of your servant Elizabeth from every bond of sin, that, in the glory of the resurrection, she may be revived and refreshed among your Saints and chosen ones. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon her.
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Grant, we beseech you, almighty God, that the soul of your servant Elizabeth, which today has departed from this world, purified by this sacrifice and delivered from her sins, may receive both pardon and everlasting rest. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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O God, to whom it belongs ever to show mercy and to spare, we humbly entreat you on behalf of the soul of your servant Elizabeth, whom this day you have commanded to depart from this world: that you would not give her up to the hands of the enemy, nor forget her for ever, but command that she be taken up by your holy Angels, and brought to our home in paradise, that, since she hoped and believed in you, she might not endure the pains of the underworld, but instead possess eternal joys. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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As well as the Mass, the Church has always praised God through the continuous singing of the psalms in the Divine Office. Join us for sung Latin Vespers every Sunday at 5pm.
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The National Catholic Shrine at Walsingham today is a mile from the site of the medieval Holy House. The walk gives plenty of time for singing hymns and praying the rosary!
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Last Saturday, pilgrims from all the Oratories in England gathered to pray before Our Lady of Walsingham. #oxfordoratory
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Last Thursday, Our Lady’s Birthday, marked 32 years of Oratorian life in Oxford.
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Masses yesterday were all offered for the repose of the soul of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
There will be a Solemn Mass of Requiem in the Extraordinary Form on Sunday 18 September at 11am.
Requiem Masses will again be said on the day of the funeral, Monday 19 September.
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All Masses this Friday will be offered for the repose of the soul of Her Majesty the Queen. May she rest in peace.
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Congratulations to Fr Rupert, who celebrates 10 years of priesthood today.
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Today Fr Benedict blessed our primary school for the beginning of the school year.
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“A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun.” (Rev. 12:1)
A happy feast of the Assumption!
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We recently had the sisters of the Spiritual Family The Work to tea, to say farewell to one sister who is moving to another of their houses and to welcome another sister who is newly arrived in Oxford. The sisters live in Newman’s College in Littlemore, where they welcome pilgrims and visitors.
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Br Alexander is visiting us from the Oratory in Philadelphia. He learnt how to subdeacon this weekend.
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Congratulations to Fr Rupert, clothed as a novice in the habit of St Philip today, the feast of Our Lady of Oxford.
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The Relic Chapel in 1908, newly fitted out with the contents of Grissell’s chapel, with our Lady of Oxford above the altar.
Prayer of Consecration to the Mother of Mercy
by Saint John Paul II
O Mother of Mercy, we entrust to your loving heart the entire people and Church of this land. Keep us from all injustice, division, violence and war. Protect us from temptation and slavery of sin and evil. Be with us! Help us to overcome doubt by faith, egoism by service, pride by meekness, and hatred by love. Help us to live the Gospel with the "folly" of the Cross, giving testimony to Christ who died on it, so that we may rise with your Son to the true life with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit. O Mother of Christ, comfort and strengthen all those who suffer: the poor, the lonely, the frightened, the unloved, the oppressed and the forgotten. Bless us! Pray for us with St Joseph, and unite us in love. Grant peace to our divided earth and the light of hope to all. Show us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus!
Novena Prayer
O Immaculate Virgin Mary,
Mother of our Lord Jesus and our Mother,
penetrated with the most lively confidence
in your all-powerful and never-failing intercession,
we your loving children implore you to obtain for us
the graces and favours we ask in these devotions,
if they be beneficial to our immortal souls,
and the souls for whom we pray.
(Here make your petitions.)
You know, O Mary,
how often our souls have been the sanctuaries of your Son,
who hates iniquity.
Obtain for us then a deep hatred of sin
and that purity of heart which will attach us to God alone,
so that our every thought, word and deed
may tend to his greater glory.
Obtain for us a spirit of prayer and self-denial,
that we may recover by penance what we have lost by sin,
and at length attain to that blessed abode
where you are the Queen of angels and of men.
The devotions end with the Salve Regina.
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Devotion to Our Lady of Oxford began in the private chapel of Hartwell de la Garde Grissell on the High Street. When he died, he left his collection to our church. Many of the items in this photo are now in our relic chapel.
The Litany of Our Lady of Mercy
Lord, have mercy. R. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. R. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. R. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us. R. Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven. R. Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the World, R. Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, R. Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, R. Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, R. Pray for us.
Chosen daughter of the Father,
Glory of the Holy Spirit,
Virgin consecrated to God,
Virgin poor and humble,
Virgin gentle and obedient,
Handmaid of the Lord,
Helper of the Redeemer,
Our Mother,
Full of grace,
Fullness of virtue,
Chosen fruit of redemption,
Perfect disciple of Christ,
Untarnished image of the Church,
Blessed woman,
Woman of the new covenant,
Joy of Israel,
Honour of the human race,
Splendour of the Church,
Model of perfect commitment,
Mother of hope,
Mother of fidelity,
Mother of mercy,
Hope of slaves,
Strength of the suffering,
Help of sinners,
Relief in difficult times,
Model of fortitude,
Advocate of grace,
Champion of God's people,
Queen of love,
Queen of peace,
Queen of heaven,
Queen of the universe,
Our Lady of Oxford,
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, R. Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, R. Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, R. Have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God:
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.
Merciful Father and God of all consolation,
you have shown yourself to be wonderful
in the glorious Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ,
and have given her to us as the Mother of Mercy.
May all of us who venerate her with devotion,
always experience her powerful intercession
and enjoy your immense mercy.
Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
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This Saturday is the feast of Our Lady of Oxford, Mother of Mercy.
There will be the usual devotions to Our Lady of Oxford after the 10am Mass on Saturday and a procession and prayers to Our Lady after the 11am Solemn Mass on Sunday.
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Today we welcomed the newly-ordained Fr Albert from Blackfriars to celebrate the Solemn Mass.
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Congratulations to Fr Albert Robertson OP who was ordained priest in Blackfriars this Sunday!
Fr Nicholas preached at his first Mass the next day.
Fr Albert will celebrate the Solemn Mass for us this Sunday.
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Celebrating the feast of our local martyrs.
“The executions took place at Oxford in July 1589. The two priests were each dragged through the streets on a horse-drawn hurdle. The first to die was Fr George Nichols. Having been refused permission to address the crowd, he made his profession of faith. He made it clear that he was being executed merely because he was a priest. Climbing the ladder to the gallows, he made the sign of the cross on each rung and kissed it. Then he was thrown off to his death.
“Fr Richard Yaxley was the next to die. He embraced the body of his dead colleague, then climbed the ladder and started to make his own profession of faith. But, before he could finish, he too was pushed off.
“It was now Thomas Belson’s turn to die. He hugged the bodies of the two priests and prayed that he would share their courage. He climbed the ladder, started his profession of faith and, like Fr Yaxley, was executed before he could finish. He was twenty-six years old.
“Finally, it was the turn of Humphrey Prichard, the servant from the Catherine Wheel. At the top of the ladder, he told the crowd that he died for ‘being a Catholic and faithful Christian of Holy Church’. A Puritan minister mocked him for being ignorant. Prichard replied that ‘what I cannot explain by mouth, I am ready and prepared to explain and testify to you at the cost of my blood.’ Whereupon he was thrown from the ladder.
“The priests were decapitated and quartered, their heads and quarters being parboiled in a cauldron. Their remains were then fixed to the wall of Oxford Castle, where they were mutilated by Puritan extremists. A couple of days later, the remains were fixed to the town gates. The right arm of Fr Nichols is reported to have swivelled round of its own accord. Some said it pointed accusingly at the city.” (From ‘Thames Valley Papists’ by Tony Hadland)
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Fr Benedict has been unpacking loads of great new books for our bookshop.
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Devotions to Our Lady of Oxford on the feast of her Immaculate Heart.
These devotions take place every Saturday after the 10am Mass.
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We were joined by Catholics from all the churches and religious houses in Oxford.
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Our Corpus Christi procession returned on Sunday after a two year break.
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Today is the solemn feast of St Aloysius, the patron of our church.
As well as this relic of his displayed on our sanctuary, his relics were also placed in the high altar when it was consecrated, together with a relic of St Alban, whose feast we celebrated yesterday.
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Today we celebrated the first of our three First Holy Communion Masses.
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“My mother was an Irish Australian and she taught me that to be with a saint in heaven is bliss and glory, but to be with a saint on earth is quite another story. Now Philip is an excellent example of this, but a happy example, who would have avoided my mother’s disapproval.”
Visit our website to read Cardinal Pell’s full St Philip’s Day sermon.
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The 10am Mass on St Philip’s day was not without a solemnity and beauty of its own.
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We made the most of the beautiful weather last week by holding our drinks reception outside after Vespers.
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Our celebrations for St Philip began with Solemn Vespers on Friday night.
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Today we kept the feast of Our Holy Father St Philip, and welcomed Cardinal Pell to celebrate the Solemn Mass and preach for us.
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The Paschal candle represents Christ’s presence among his disciples for 40 days after Easter. It is extinguished today after the Gospel and removed at the end of Mass, as a sign that he has ascended into heaven.
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We are ready to begin the novena to St Philip after Mass this evening.
The Solemn Mass on his feast day will be celebrated by Cardinal Pell on Saturday 28 May at 11am.
O famous leader and loving Father, Saint Philip, be a true Father to us. Protect and govern always those who have been given to thee. Make us good and, being made good, reconcile us to God; and after this time of exile joyfully present us to the beloved Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour; may whose honour, praise and glory, unspeakable joy and perpetual bliss with the glorious Virgin Mary and the whole court of heavenly citizens remain without end for ever and ever. Amen.
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A Prayer for Vocations on Good Shepherd Sunday
Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world, we humbly beg of thee to revive in thy Church that spirit which thou didst so abundantly bestow on the Apostles. Call, we pray thee, very many to thy priesthood and to the religious life. And may zeal for thy glory and the salvation of souls inflame those whom thou hast chosen, may they be saints in thy likeness, and may thy Spirit strengthen them. O Jesus, give us priests and religious after thine own Heart!
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Lord God, thou hast given the Blessed Virgin Mary to thy Church as a beacon of unfailing hope. In thy goodness grant that those for whom life is a burden may find in her consolation and strength, and those who despair of salvation may find their hearts warmed and uplifted as they turn to her in their need. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
May devotions in honour of Our Lady take place after the evening Mass every Tuesday in May.
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Our young adults praying in church at the end of last night’s OYA meeting on the heavenly liturgy. #oxfordoratory
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“Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, hath prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof. Alleluia. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and godliness, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. Alleluia.”
The words of the motet during Benediction on Easter Sunday, from the Book of the Apocalypse, “Ecce vicit leo”.
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“Benedicamus Domino, alleluia, alleluia.”
The conclusion of Vespers on Easter Sunday.
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“This is the night, when Christ broke the prison-bars of death and rose victorious from the underworld. Our birth would have been no gain, had we not been redeemed.”
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“Therefore, O Lord,
we pray you that this candle,
hallowed to the honour of your name,
may persevere undimmed,
to overcome the darkness of this night.
Receive it as a pleasing fragrance,
and let it mingle with the lights of heaven.
May this flame be found still burning
by the Morning Star:
the one Morning Star who never sets,
Christ your Son,
who, coming back from death’s domain,
has shed his peaceful light on humanity,
and lives and reigns for ever and ever.”
This year’s Paschal Candle was painted by Fr Benedict.
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“On this, your night of grace, O holy Father,
accept this candle, a solemn offering,
the work of bees and of your servants’ hands,
an evening sacrifice of praise,
this gift from your most holy Church.”
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“Exult, let them exult, the hosts of heaven,
exult, let Angel ministers of God exult,
let the trumpet of salvation
sound aloud our mighty King’s triumph!
Be glad, let earth be glad, as glory floods her,
ablaze with light from her eternal King,
let all corners of the earth be glad,
knowing an end to gloom and darkness.”
The Paschal Candle is lit from the blessed fire at the beginning of the Easter Vigil.
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‘That is why the world needs the Cross. While no earthly power can save us from the consequences of our sins, and no earthly power can defeat injustice at its source, nevertheless the saving intervention of our loving God has transformed the reality of sin and death into its opposite. That is what we celebrate when we glory in the Cross of our Redeemer. Rightly does Saint Andrew of Crete describe the Cross as “more noble, more precious than anything on earth for in it and through it and for it all the riches of our salvation were stored away and restored to us.’ Pope Benedict XVI
Photo from the Solemn Liturgy on Good Friday
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‘The Cross, then, is something far greater and more mysterious than it at first appears. It is indeed an instrument of torture, suffering and defeat, but at the same time it expresses the complete transformation, the definitive reversal of these evils: that is what makes it the most eloquent symbol of hope that the world has ever seen. It speaks to all who suffer—the oppressed, the sick, the poor, the outcast, the victims of violence—and it offers them hope that God can transform their suffering into joy, their isolation into communion, their death into life. It offers unlimited hope to our fallen world.’ Pope Benedict XVI
Photo from the Solemn Liturgy on Good Friday
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‘The wood of the Cross became the vehicle for our redemption, just as the tree from which it was fashioned had occasioned the Fall of our first parents. Suffering and death, which had been a consequence of sin, were to become the very means by which sin was vanquished. The innocent Lamb was slain on the altar of the Cross, and yet from the immolation of the victim new life burst forth: the power of evil was destroyed by the power of self-sacrificing love.’ Pope Benedict XVI
Photo from the Solemn Liturgy on Good Friday
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The Church watches at the Altar of Repose last night.
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At the last great supper lying
Circled by his brethren’s band,
Meekly with the law complying,
First he finished its command,
Then, immortal food supplying,
Gave himself with his own hand.
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‘On the day before he was to suffer, for our salvation and the salvation of all, that is today, he took bread in his holy and venerable hands, and with eyes raised to heaven to you, O God, his almighty Father, giving you thanks, he said the blessing, broke the bread and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my Body, which will be given up for you.’
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Ride on, ride on in majesty!
In lowly pomp ride on to die:
O Christ, thy triumphs now begin
O’er captive death and conquered sin.
Photo from today’s Solemn Palm Sunday Mass.
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Look, we pray, O Lord, on this your family,
for whom our Lord Jesus Christ
did not hesitate to be delivered into the hands of the wicked
and submit to the agony of the Cross.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
Photo from today’s Solemn Palm Sunday Mass.
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‘The prayers the Church uses for the blessing of palms are eloquent and full of instruction; and, together with the sprinkling with holy water, impart a virtue to these branches, which elevates them to the supernatural order, and makes them means for the sanctification of our souls and the protection of our persons and dwellings. The faithful should hold these palms in their hands during the procession, and during the reading of the Passion at Mass, and keep them in their homes as an outward expression of their faith, and as a pledge of God’s watchful love.’ (From ‘The Liturgical Year’ by Dom Guéranger)
Photo from today’s Solemn Palm Sunday Mass.
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‘With the Jews, to hold a branch in one’s hand was a sign of joy. The divine law had sanctioned this practice, as we read in the following passage from Leviticus, where God commands His people to keep the feast of tabernacles: “And you shall take to you, on the first day, the fruits of the fairest tree, and branches of palm-trees, and boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook, and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God” (Lev. 23:40). It was, therefore, to testify their delight at seeing Jesus enter within their walls, that the inhabitants, even the little children, of Jerusalem, went forth to meet Him with palms in their hands. Let us, also, go before our King, singing our hosannas to Him as the conqueror of death, and the liberator of His people.’ (From ‘The Liturgical Year’ by Dom Guéranger)
Photo from today’s Solemn Palm Sunday Mass.
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‘During the middle ages, it was the custom, in many churches, to carry the book of the holy Gospels in this procession. The Gospel contains the words of Jesus Christ, and was considered to represent Him. The procession halted at an appointed place, or station: the deacon then opened the sacred volume, and sang from it the passage which describes our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem.’ (From ‘The Liturgical Year’ by Dom Guéranger)
Photo from today’s Solemn Palm Sunday Mass.
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Stunning music from our choir to prepare us for Holy Week at our Musical Oratory tonight. #oxfordoratory
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While Easter is the traditional time for administering baptism, the Church has always tried to restore her members to full Communion in time for them to join in the celebrations of the Easter Triduum.
Today we had the joy of receiving Steve into full Communion with the Catholic Church.
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“Martin, the Lord receives you into the Catholic Church. His loving kindness has led you here, so that in the unity of the Holy Spirit you may have full communion with us in the faith that you have professed in the presence of his family.”
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Welcome to Ben, received into full Communion with the Church today. #oxfordoratory
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Halfway through Lent, we relax our penance slightly and the Church tells us, in the words of the prophet Isaiah to rejoice and be joyful, as we look forward to Easter.
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Join us for our Passiontide Musical Oratory — a spiritual concert of 16th century English polyphony in preparation for Easter sung by the Oratory Choir, directed by Rory Moules.
Tallis & Byrd Miserere nostri
Mundy In te Domine speravi
de Monte Super flumina Babylonis
Byrd Quomodo cantabimus
Byrd Infelix ego
Free entry. All welcome.
#oxfordoratory #byrd #tallis #concert #oxford
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Solemn Mass last night for the feast of the Annunciation.
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The angel Gabriel is shown in our church as he salutes Mary with the words, ‘Hail full of grace, the Lord is with thee!’
Before our Solemn Mass for the feast of the Annunciation, we joined the whole Church in reciting the Act of Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God!
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Congratulations to Holly who was received into the Church today. #oxfordoratory
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A shot of Mass from Saturday, when we were joined by fathers from the Society of Jesus to celebrate the canonisation anniversary of our holy founders.
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Congratulations to Robin, who was received into full Communion with the Catholic Church today!
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Some of the treasures in our exhibition were here before the Oratory arrived, like the reliquary busts of St Philip and his friend St Ignatius.
This vestment was designed by Pietro da Cortona for the Oratory church in Rome and was brought to England in the 19th century by Hartwell de la Garde Grissell.
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400 years of sainthood today!
At the heart of our exhibition about St Philip is a reliquary bust. In front is a smaller reliquary containing St Philip’s own copy of the ‘Laudi spirituali’ by Jacopone da Todi. We know it’s his because he wrote his name on the title page.
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Our exhibition ‘St Philip Neri, Mirror of the Divine Life: Devotion to St Philip in art and artefact’ opened tonight with the curator’s tour for the Friends of the Oratory.
The exhibition will be open to the public this weekend, after the Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving on Saturday until 5pm, and again on Sunday from after the Solemn Mass until 4:30pm. Make sure you visit if you are in Oxford!
Find out how to join the Friends of the Oratory at
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The Holy See has granted a plenary indulgence (under the usual conditions) for all those who visit an Oratory church and take part in the celebrations for the 400th anniversary of St Philip’s canonisation.
Join us for our Solemn Mass at 11am on Saturday 12 March for a chance to gain this indulgence! Those who cannot join the celebrations in person for a grave reason are able to obtain the indulgence at home by praying before any image of St Philip.
Read the full text of the decree on our website:
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Packing of our donations for Ukraine is in progress! Thank you to our Oratory Outreach volunteers. The depot is now overwhelmed with boxes so sadly we can’t accept any more donations for now. #oxfordoratory
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Stations of the Cross at 5:30 every Friday during Lent.
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On Ash Wednesday our church was the busiest it has been since before the pandemic.
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“Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.”
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Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.
We are continuing the traditional Roman custom of sprinkling the ash on the crown of the head.
Masses with the distribution of ashes at 7:30, 10:00, 12:15 (EF) and 18:00 (Solemn).
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Mass this evening was a Votive Mass for an end to war.
Prayers for peace:
Christ, peace of heaven and great calm of earth, cause thy peace and quiet to abide in the four quarters of the world, and especially in thy holy Catholic Church. Bring wars on earth to an end; scatter the nations that delight in war, so that we may enjoy a quiet and peaceful life in all sobriety and fear of God.
Lord Jesus Christ, who said to thy apostles: ‘Peace I leave you; my peace I give you; not as the world gives do I give to you,’ look not on our sins but thine own merits, and grant to all thy servants that they, who are created and governed by the almighty Father, ransomed with thy precious Blood, and destined by thee to eternal life, may love one another with all their hearts for thy sake, and become one in spirit, and rejoice in thine unfailing peace.
Grant in thy mercy that states and nations may serve thee in all humility; and that all nations and tongues may form a single choir, to praise thee day and night; to bless thee and extol thee, King of the nations and their Lord, thee, the Prince of peace, the deathless King of all time.
Almighty God, who art the Father of all men upon the earth, most heartily we pray that thou wilt keep thy children from cruelties of war, and lead the nations in the way of peace. Teach us to put away all bitterness and misunderstanding, that we, with all the brethren of the Son of Man, may draw together as one gathering of peoples, and dwell evermore in the fellowship of the Prince of peace, who lives and reigns with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen.
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Today was Fr Gregory’s last Sunday with us before he returns home to the Oratory in Port Elizabeth. We look forward to his next visit! #oxfordoratory
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Welcome to another new Catholic, Matthew, received into full Communion with the Church today.
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Our devotions to St Philip have returned to his chapel now that the crib has been put away. There are prayers to St Philip and a blessing with his relic after the evening Mass every Monday.
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Today we welcomed another member of the Church. Congratulations to David who was baptised this afternoon!
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Our first photo of 2022 is actually one from last year. Our photo posts have fallen behind a bit thanks to our mini-covid outbreak in the Oratory house, but the Fathers are all fully recovered now. We’ve also been busy with lots of exciting plans for the future, which we look forward to sharing with you later this year! Can you guess what this is?
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Our carol service last night concluded with Solemn Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
If you missed it in person, you can view the recording here:
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We had a really generous response to the Gatehouse’s appeal for Christmas presents for the homeless in Oxford, which we delivered on Sunday. Thank you to all who donated gifts. #oxfordoratory
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St Philip didn’t leave his sons a detailed rule of life to follow in the way that St Benedict or St Augustine did. Instead, the life of St Philip himself is meant to be our example.
But that’s quite hard when you think about it — so much of what St Philip did is impossible for us to copy, when we remember that his heart was enlarged with the Holy Spirit, and that he performed so many miracles, even raising the dead.
Today’s saint, Blessed Anthony Grassi of the Oratory in Fermo, set himself the task of becoming as much like St Philip as possible, with the result that in the end, he even began to look like him. But he managed to identify which elements of St Philip’s life are essential for us to copy…and which we can’t even try, unless God decides to grant us the same gifts he gave to St Philip.
“O Lord, hear our prayer and arouse in your Church that Spirit by which your priest blessed Antony unceasingly promoted peace among men and the beauty of your house. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
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Welcome to Helen Birch, our new organ scholar! Helen will be working with and learning from Rory Moules, our Director of Music, at the Solemn Mass each Sunday for the next year.
Our organ scholarship was made possible through the gift of one generous benefactor. Find out more about supporting the work of the Oxford Oratory by becoming a friend:
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“Watch therefore—for you do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or in the morning—lest he come suddenly and find you asleep. And what I say to you I say to all: Watch.” (Mark 13:35–37)
Watchfulness in action before dawn this morning at the Rorate Mass.
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Yesterday we welcomed His Excellency, Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, Apostolic Nuncio to the UK to celebrate Mass and preach for the feast of Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception.
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One of the heads looking down onto our sanctuary is that of St Edmund Campion, who is celebrated today together with his fellow priest martyrs of the University of Oxford, St Ralph Sherwin and St Alexander Briant.
When he was finally caught and arrested, he was taken to London with the sign ‘Campion, the seditious Jesuit’ pinned to his hat. Here we see that the Jesuit fathers who built our church have omitted that particular adjective out of reverence to the saint.
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Our novena to Our Lady continues each evening, in preparation for the feast of her Immaculate Conception.
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More pictures of our Mass with Cardinal Pell are now available to view on our new website, launched earlier today.
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Last night we welcomed Cardinal Pell to our church as part of his visit to Oxford. The Cardinal celebrated a Mass of the Sacred Heart for us, and preached about the role of redemptive suffering in the life of Christians. Watch the full Mass here:
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Absolutions at the catafalque after the Fathers & Brothers Requiem last Friday.
“After Mass, the clergy preceded by the Cross range themselves round the catafalque, which is placed in the nave of the church, to represent the dead, at the very spot where their bodies once rested before the altar of God. The cantors intone the ninth Responsory of Matins; it is followed by the Prayers said at the conclusion of the Office, during the singing of which, the Priest honours the dead with holy water and incense, as on each one’s funeral-day.” (From ‘The Liturgical Year’ by Dom Prosper Guéranger)
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Today is the feast of Blessed Salvio Huix, the Oratory’s first martyr to be beatified. We blessed his image in church, which has recently been redecorated.
Almighty eternal God, thou hast allowed pictures and statues of thy Saints to be painted and carved, so that as often as we look upon them with our bodily eyes, we may recall with our more inward eyes their deeds and their sanctity and learn to imitate them. In thy goodness, therefore, bless and sanctify this picture fashioned to honour and to recall thy blessed Martyr and Bishop Salvio to our minds; and grant to all who honour and invoke the aid of the glorious Martyr Bishop with this picture before their eyes, that they may obtain grace from thee in this life and everlasting glory in the next, by the merits of that same Saint and his power with thee. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
O Lord, who raised up the bishop Blessed Salvio to be a shepherd after thine own heart, to feed thy people with knowledge and understanding, to lay down his life for his sheep and to become the first of the sons of St Philip to shed his blood for Christ; grant us by his example to preach the faith in a world that knows thee not, and by his intercession strengthen the faith of our brothers and sisters who are persecuted today for their faith in thy Son, who lives and reigns with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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The church militant on earth united with the church triumphant in heaven on the feast of All Saints.
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“Therefore he made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin.” (2 Maccabees 12:45)
All priests can say three Masses on All Souls, to give the faithful departed as much help as possible.
All the faithful can assist the Holy Souls not just through prayer, but also through special indulgences granted by the Church in November. Every November, there are opportunities to obtain plenary indulgences for the Holy Souls in purgatory by: (1) visiting a church on 2 November and praying the Our Father and Creed; (2) visiting a cemetery and praying for the faithful departed on any of the days between 1 and 8 November (it is possible to obtain an indulgence each day this is done). As with all plenary indulgences, it is also necessary to go to confession, receive Holy Communion, pray for the Pope’s intentions and be detached from all sin.
Like last year, because of the pandemic, there is some flexibility about when these indulgences can be obtained: (1) any one day in November can be chosen to visit a church and pray the Our Father and Creed; (2) any eight days (which need not be next to each other) may be chosen to visit a cemetery and pray for the faithful departed. It is also possible for this to be a ‘mental’ visit to a cemetery.
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“The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed, when Holy Mother Church, after due observance of the celebration of all her children who are joyous in heaven, turns herself to intercede with God for the souls of all who have gone before us with the sign of faith, and sleep in the hope of resurrection. She prays also for all those from the beginning of the world, whose faith only the Lord has known that they may be purged from the contagion of sin, and enter the company of the heavenly citizens, to win the joyful vision of eternal bliss.” (From the Roman Martyrology for 2 November) #oxfordoratory
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The lamps are lit before the saints and their relics are placed on the altar as we ask for their intercession. #oxfordoratory
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A great start to our Oratory Young Adults meetings last night. Here is a shot in church at the end of the meeting for the concluding prayers. Join us for the next one on 19 November. #oxfordoratory
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St Frideswide, patroness of the city and university of Oxford, with burning lamp on her feast day, complete with ox.
A prayer of St Cajetan for the city:
Look down, O Lord, from your sanctuary, from your dwelling in heaven on high, and behold this sacred Victim which our great High Priest, your holy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, offers up to you for the sins of his brethren, and be appeased despite the multitude of our transgressions. Behold, the voice of the Blood of Jesus, our Brother, cries to you from the cross.
Give ear, O Lord. Be appeased, O Lord. Hearken and do not delay for your own sake, O my God; for your name is invoked upon this city and upon your people; and deal with us according to your mercy. Amen.
That you would defend, pacify, keep, preserve, and bless this city, we beseech you, hear us.
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The Forty Hours has begun
11pm Sung Compline followed by Benediction
All night vigil
5am Sung Matins and Lauds
6am Low Mass in the Extraordinary Form
9am–10am Confessions as usual
10am Mass
5pm Musical Oratory with the Parish Choir
5:30pm–6:30pm Confessions as usual
6:30pm Sung Mass for Peace
9pm Sung Compline
Exposition until midnight
Morning Masses as usual
Exposition resumes after 11am Mass
5pm Closing Choral Vespers, procession and Benediction
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We were delighted to welcome Brian and Pat Barnes, who were married in our church 60 years ago today. Brian was baptised here, began serving at the altar at 8 years of age, and his family have a long association with the parish. The Fathers were very pleased to give them a blessing on their anniversary. #oxfordoratory
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A shot from the night walk to Littlemore last week, to prepare for the feast of St John Henry Newman.
If you missed out, there is another chance for late night religion today, as we begin our Forty Hours Devotion, including an all-night vigil!
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Today is the feast of St John Henry Newman, famous for many things, especially as a great academic in Oxford, as a prominent convert to the Catholic faith, and a prolific writer throughout his life.
We celebrate him today for his holiness, as a faithful priest, as a son of St Philip, and the founder of the first English Oratory.
St John Henry, pray for us.
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Congratulations to Fiona Bolton on completing the London Marathon! Fiona is collecting sponsorship for our future building works, and will be available after the 11am Mass on Sunday to receive any outstanding pledges. #oxfordoratory
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A picture of our tabernacle’s original design from the archive.
Today’s saint, Luigi Scrosoppi, would often be without enough food for the abandoned children he and his Sisters of Providence cared for. When that happened, the sisters and the children would pray in the chapel, while St Luigi would even knock on the tabernacle door to get the Lord’s attention. Their trust in the Lord’s providence was never disappointed.
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From today, the rosary is once again said after the 10am Mass each morning. #oxfordoratory
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Congratulations to Fr Nicholas on his ten year anniversary of ordination. #oxfordoratory
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It was wonderful to see Cafe Neri back in action yesterday. Special thanks to Caroline who is helping to organise our Cafe. If you would like to join her please speak to one of the Fathers. #oxfordoratory
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Today we welcomed pilgrims from the FSSP parish of St William of York in Reading. #oxfordoratory
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Preparations are underway for the grand reopening of Cafe Neri after the 11am Mass tomorrow! #oxfordoratory
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O Saviour, thy Cross is worshipped by men and angels. Angels and men carry it in their hands and sing hymns of praise because it has brought peace to all the world. Restrain war and contention; draw together all peoples who in the one Church pay honour to it, recognise its majesty, and with uplifted voices cry: Holy, holy, holy art thou, O Lord, who by thy Cross hast saved mankind from perdition. To thee be glory forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer used in veneration of the relic of the Cross after all Masses today.
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Pilgrims from Oxford today at the combined Oratories pilgrimage to Walsingham. #oxfordoratory
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O God, whose servant Blessed John Juvenal
abandoned his training for the care of the human body
for the yet nobler care of the human soul,
that he might be spared on the day of wrath,
who blessed him with a particular love
for the service of thine altar
and caused him to reckon his life of no account,
if he should gain a single soul for thee;
who surpassed his virtue of humility,
only by his virtue of obedience;
and having raised him to the dignity of the episcopate
bestowed upon him the martyr’s crown in all but name;
grant us by his intercession and example
to be joyful,
to serve thee, O Lord, in gladness,
to forgive all who do us harm,
to do good and to suffer ill,
to persevere unto the end.
Jesus, sweet Jesus, with Mary give peace to our souls.
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Have you noticed that St Augustine and St Monica are directly opposite each other on our sanctuary? (Look for the lit candles!) But rather than facing each other, both of them gaze up prayerfully towards heaven. With Christ in the tabernacle at the centre, the scene becomes like one described by St Augustine in his ‘Confessions’:
“It came about that she and I were standing leaning out of a window overlooking a garden. Alone with each other, we talked very intimately, ‘forgetting the past and reaching forward to what lies ahead’ (Phil. 3:13). We were searching together in the presence of the Truth which is you yourself. We asked what the eternal life of the saints will be like, a life which ‘neither eye has seen nor ear heard nor has it entered into the heart of man’ (1 Cor. 2:9). But with the mouth of the heart wide open, we drank in the waters flowing from your spring on high, ‘the spring of life’ (Ps. 35:10) which is with you, so that sprinkled with this water as much as we could take, we tried in some way to think about such a great reality.”
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Congratulations to Jamie and Anna on their wedding day! Jamie and Anna will be known to many in the Oratory from all their help keeping the place running, from OYA to Oratory Outreach, from catechism classes to serving at the altar. We wish them every blessing as they begin their life together.
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Have you visited our re-vamped bookshop yet? We have a great range of specially selected books, cards and devotional items. In celebration of the Assumption check out our new range of items focused on Our Lady! #oxfordoratory #oratorybookshop
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Today is the anniversary of St John Henry Newman’s death — the day he left this world for heaven. It is a fitting day to receive a whole family into full Communion with the Church, following his steps into “the one true fold of the Redeemer”. Welcome and congratulations to the Wells family!
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August is one of our quieter months. While Masses and confessions continue every day, there aren’t so many special events to share photos of. So here is a picture from the archive of the church looking quiet in 1906.
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Pray for the repose of the soul of Gwen Sheppard, whose first anniversary it is today, and in whose memory the candlesticks adorning the image of Our Lady of Oxford were restored.
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Today we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Oxford at all Masses. The image of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy, in the Relic Chapel was left to the church by Hartwell de la Garde Grissell, an Oxford convert who became a private chamberlain and personal friend of Blessed Pope Pius IX. Pius IX granted special indulgences to those who prayed before the image, and devotion to Our Lady of Oxford has remained strong ever since. #oxfordoratory
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With all the pews reopened and tapes and markers removed, it is good to have the church back to normal and no longer looking like a crime scene!
Legal safety restrictions have all come to an end now. Face masks and social distancing are not required but are recommended, and all are advised to exercise caution and to respect the concerns of others who might be at greater risk.
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On Friday 16 July, Pope Francis issued a new set of guidelines, ‘Traditionis Custodes’, for the provision of Mass in Latin according to the missal of 1962. These guidelines encourage the diocesan bishop to take greater responsibility in overseeing this provision in his diocese.
Following the publication of ‘Traditionis Custodes’, His Grace Archbishop Bernard has asked that we continue to provide access to both forms of the Mass. There will be no changes to our regular Mass schedule. We will continue to say Mass according to the Missal of 1962 at 8am on Sundays and at 12:15pm on holy days.
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Last week also saw the first opportunity to welcome Br Albert to our church for the first time since his ordination to the diaconate at Blackfriars on 3 July. Br Albert will be a familiar face to many of our congregation — we look forward to hearing him preach soon! #oxfordoratory
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Congratulations to Elizabeth Mills who was invested as a Dame of Magistral Grace in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in our church last week. The Order of Malta is active in 120 countries caring for people in need through its medical, social and humanitarian works. It is especially involved in helping people living in the midst of armed conflicts and natural disasters by providing medical assistance, caring for refugees, and distributing medicines and basic equipment for survival, in accordance with the Order’s motto: Tuitio fidei et obsequium pauperum (‘defence of the faith and assistance to the poor’). #oxfordoratory
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Today we welcomed the faithful from the Orthodox parish of @st_nicholas_oxford who came to venerate our relics of English saints on the feast of the Saints of Britain and Ireland. #oxfordoratory
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Congratulations to Dom Stanislaus on his ordination as a deacon at St Michael’s Abbey, Farnborough! #oxfordoratory
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The head of St Peter that we use for our altarino was once attached to a body! The head is all that survives now, but perhaps one day Peter will again welcome visitors to our church from his throne, as he does in the photo from 1906. #oxfordoratory
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O blessed Peter, head and chief of the Apostles, you are the guardian of the keys of the heavenly kingdom, and against you the powers of hell do not prevail; you are the rock of the Church and the shepherd of Christ’s flock; you are great in power, wonderful in your heavenly bliss; you have the right of binding and loosing in heaven and on earth. The sea supported your footsteps, the sick upon whom even your shadow fell were cured of their ills. By the memory of that right hand which supported you on the waves of the sea, lift me from the ocean of my sins, and by those tears which you shed for your Lord, break the bonds of my offences and free me from the hand of all my adversaries. Help me, O good shepherd, that I may in this life serve Christ Jesus, that with your help, after the close of a good life, I may deserve to attain the reward of eternal happiness in heaven, where you are the guardian of the gates and the shepherd of the flock for ever and ever. Amen.
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The birthday of St John the Baptist gets a bit neglected, falling among so many big feasts. But today we celebrate the first light of the Gospel being shed on earth, six months before the birth of Christ.
As for you, little child,
you shall be called a prophet of God, the Most High.
You shall go ahead of the Lord
to prepare his ways before him,
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Pray for all those who call our church their home on the feast of St Aloysius Gonzaga. #oxfordoratory
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‘The early morning is the most beautiful, the most agreeable, and the least distracted time of the day; the very birds do then invite us to awake and praise God: so that early rising is helpful both to health and to holiness.’ From the Introduction to the Devout Life by St Francis de Sales.
Our church is a particularly beautiful place to pray on early summer mornings.
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“Grant, O Lord, to thy Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: ‘Praise be to the divine Heart that wrought our salvation; to it be glory and honor for ever.’ Amen.”
A detail of the vestment for Benediction tonight. #oxfordoratory
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“My God, my Saviour, I adore Thy Sacred Heart, for that heart is the seat and source of all Thy tenderest human affections for us sinners. It is the instrument and organ of Thy love. It did beat for us. It yearned over us. It ached for us, and for our salvation. It was on fire through zeal, that the glory of God might be manifested in and by us. It is the channel through which has come to us all Thy overflowing human affection, all Thy Divine Charity towards us. All Thy incomprehensible compassion for us, as God and Man, as our Creator and our Redeemer and Judge, has come to us, and comes, in one inseparably mingled stream, through that Sacred Heart. O most Sacred symbol and Sacrament of Love, divine and human, in its fulness, Thou didst save me by Thy divine strength, and Thy human affection, and then at length by that wonder-working blood, wherewith Thou didst overflow.” From St John Henry Newman’s Meditations and Devotions. #oxfordoratory
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A joy to welcome Bishop Robert home to celebrate St Philip’s day with us last week. #oxfordoratory
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“The Solemnity of Saint Philip Neri, priest, who founded the Oratory at Rome, to preserve young men from sin, by exercises of spiritual reading, music, and works of charity. He shone with love for others, in the simplicity of the Gospel and the light of holy joy, in unbounded zeal, and the burning fervour of his service of God.” (from the Roman Martyrology for today)
Happy feast of Our Holy Father St Philip!
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“The Holy Spirit is the master of prayer, and causes us to abide in continual peace and cheerfulness, which is a foretaste of Paradise.” — St Philip
A detail of the Pentecost vestment used for Masses today. #oxfordoratory
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Emergency high level work earlier this week to remove loose plaster from around the windows. You might have noticed some of the pews at the back of church closed off for the last few weeks — there were heavy chunks of plaster ready to drop at any moment. It’s all safe now, and there is more space once again for people to come to Mass. Thanks to the volunteers who spent the day helping Fr Benedict to complete the work! #oxfordoratory
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The novena in preparation for the feast of Our Holy Father St Philip began tonight, and continues each weekday after the evening Mass. #oxfordoratory
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‘And so the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven.’ The Paschal Candle has been a symbol of the risen Christ’s bodily presence among his disciples for 40 days. It is extinguished after the Gospel as he ascends into heaven. #oxfordoratory
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“Every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.” Our new range of cards feature designs scanned from images in our archives, plus newly illustrated maxims from St Philip. Buy them when the Lodge is open, Monday to Friday 10:30–6pm. #oxfordoratory
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“Know this today and always, that the gift you receive today, no one can take from you.” Congratulations to our first group from our school to receive their First Holy Communion. #oxfordoratory
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Preparations are underway for the grand reopening of the Oratory Bookshop and Porter’s Lodge from Monday at 10:30. #oxfordoratory
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Our progress through the Easter season is indicated by the ever-decreasing height of the paschal candle. Before the decoration begins to disappear, here is a close up of this year’s beautiful design by Freddie Quartley. Three angels hold scrolls with the words of the Regina cæli: ‘Ressurexit sicut dixit, alleluia!’, ‘He has risen, as he said, alleluia!’. #oxfordoratory
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Philip, my holy Patron, teach me by your example, and pray for me. Teach me to seek my Lord and God at all times and in all places, and to live in his presence and in holy conversation with him. May I always lift up my heart towards heaven, and ask the Source of all good for those goods which I need. Pray with me, Saint Philip, as you prayed with your penitents here below, and then prayer will become sweet to me, as it did to them. Amen.
A prayer of St John Henry Newman for the feast of the Patronage of St Philip.
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O Lord God of Hosts, who gave grace to your servant Saint George to lay aside the fear of man, and to confess you even unto death, grant that we may think lightly of earthly place and honour, and seek instead to please the Captain of our Salvation, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who has chosen us to be his soldiers, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit be thanks and praise for all the armies of your saints now and for evermore. Amen.
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Congratulations and welcome to Sara, Mimi and Bea, baptised today. #oxfordoratory
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Support the Oxford Oratory by becoming a Friend!
No matter where you are in the world, be a part of the Oratory Family and support our work by joining the Friends of the Oratory today, with Standard, Gold, or Student membership. We need your financial and prayerful support to develop our work here in Oxford. For more info see #oxfordoratory
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The blessed water is placed in the font, ready for this year’s baptisms. #oxfordoratory
With thanks to Hannah Chegwyn for the photographs of the Triduum liturgies.
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The Paschal Candle is lit. “May the light of Christ rising in glory dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.” #oxfordoratory
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Christ is risen! Happy Easter from the Fathers and Brothers of the Oratory! #oxfordoratory
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“Our shepherd, the fountain of living water is gone, at whose departure the sun was darkened: for the one who held the first man captive is in turn taken captive: this day our Saviour burst the gates and bars of death. He has utterly destroyed the dungeons of hell, and overthrown the powers of the devil. For the one who held the first man captive is in turn taken captive: this day our Saviour burst the gates and bars of death.”
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The Blessed Sacrament is brought from the altar of repose. #oxfordoratory
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“O my people, what have I done to thee? Or how have I offended you?
Answer me.” #oxfordoratory
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“All they that passed by the way have clapped their hands at thee: they have hissed, and wagged their heads at the daughter of Jerusalem, saying: Is this the city of perfect beauty, the joy of all the earth?” (Lamentations 2:15)
The altar prepared for Tenebrae this morning. #oxfordoratory
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“Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.” (Mark 14:38) #oxfordoratory
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“They divided my clothing among them. They cast lots for my robe.” #oxfordoratory
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The procession to the altar of repose after the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. #oxfordoratory
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All tickets for the main liturgies of the Sacred Triduum are now gone. Tickets for Masses on Easter Sunday morning are still available from the sacristy after all Masses. #oxfordoratory
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Grant, we pray, almighty God, that by Saint Joseph's intercession your Church may constantly watch over
the unfolding of the mysteries of human salvation, whose beginnings you entrusted to his faithful care. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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“Strengthen the students with heavenly grace, so that they may grasp with their minds, treasure in their hearts, and carry out in their deeds all the teachings that lead to salvation. And may all here please Thee by practising every virtue, so that they may one day be welcomed into Thy eternal home in heaven.” As pupils were welcomed back to St Aloysius’ School in person this morning, Fr Benedict was on hand to bless the school for the weeks ahead. #oxfordoratory
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A “before” picture. These walls, which got even more damaged by a leak from the roof last year are about to be painted. #oxfordoratory
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A shot of our Oratory session for men on Saturday, exploring Psalm 138 with the help of St Augustine. #oxfordoratory
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“Dominic, the Lord receives you into the Catholic Church. His loving kindness has led you here.” A warm welcome to Dominic, received into full Communion with the Church at Mass this morning. #oxfordoratory
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Great Oratory session for women this afternoon looking at Psalm 90 with the help of St Augustine. Oratory for men next Saturday at 4pm. #oxfordoratory
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“O God, we love thee with our whole hearts and above all things, and are heartily sorry that we have offended thee. May we never offend thee any more. Oh, may we love thee without ceasing, and make it our delight to do in all things thy most holy will.”
Stations of the Cross every Friday at 5:30pm during Lent.
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Last night’s Lent Musical Oratory is available to watch online in case you missed it live. #oxfordoratory
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The Blessed Sacrament is exposed all day each Saturday of Lent until Benediction at 6pm.
“Everyone tries to obtain an audience of the Prince when he is disengaged, and so when there is no concourse of people, it is a good time to obtain an audience of Almighty God. He who really wishes to be heard and to demand graces for his soul will not mind a little inconvenience.” — Fr Gioan-Matteo Ancina of the Roman Oratory
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In case anyone had wondered where all the straw from our Christmas Crib had gone when it went away at Candlemas, John Keown’s pigs are happily hunkered-down in it. We probably won’t ask for it back for next Christmas! #oxfordoratory
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O God, who desire not the death of sinners, but their conversion, mercifully hear our prayers and in your kindness be pleased to bless these ashes, which we intend to receive upon our heads, that we, who acknowledge we are but ashes and shall return to dust, may, through a steadfast observance of Lent, gain pardon for sins and newness of life after the likeness of your Risen Son. Who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen. #oxfordoratory
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“I believe and profess all that the Holy Catholic Church believes, teaches, and proclaims to be revealed by God.”
Congratulations to Axel, who was received into full Communion with the Church this morning. #oxfordoratory
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Prayer for the Year of St Joseph
Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
To you God entrusted his only Son;
in you Mary placed her trust;
with you Christ became man.
Blessed Joseph, to us too,
show yourself a father
and guide us in the path of life.
Obtain for us grace, mercy, and courage,
and defend us from every evil. Amen.
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‘The most beautiful prayer we can make, is to say to God, “As Thou knowest and willest, O Lord, so do with me.”’ — St Philip #oxfordoratory
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O God, source and origin of all light, who on this day showed to the just man Simeon the Light for revelation to the Gentiles, we humbly ask that, in answer to your people’s prayers, you may be pleased to sanctify with your blessing these candles, which we are eager to carry in praise of your name, so that, treading the path of virtue, we may reach that light which never fails.
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The Holy Father has declared a special year of St Joseph. We will be saying the special prayer to St Joseph after Masses on Wednesdays leading up to his feast on 19 March.
Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
To you God entrusted his only Son;
in you Mary placed her trust;
with you Christ became man.
Blessed Joseph, to us too,
show yourself a father
and guide us in the path of life.
Obtain for us grace, mercy, and courage,
and defend us from every evil. Amen.
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Original design for our sanctuary lamp from the archive. #oxfordoratory
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Filming our new Family Catechism series. We’re also starting to prepare children for First Communion and Confirmation soon. See our website to register your child. #oxfordoratory
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After a few glitches earlier this week, our contactless donation system is back up and running. Did you know you can gift aid contactless donations? See to find out how. #oxfordoratory
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A new treasure for the Library. It is a note from 26 May 1840 in which Mr Newman acknowledges receipt of a copy of Dr Bennett’s book on Justification. Newman had given a series of lectures on this subject in 1837 and published them as ‘Lectures on Justification’ at the end of March 1838.
In his diary for Tuesday 26 May 1840, Newman wrote: Rogation. Letters from Oakley, Henry Wilberforce. c.m. [Cold meal?] in rooms. Wrote to Rivington, Hare, Dr Bennett, Henry Wilberforce.....and Archdeacon Froude.
The author of the volume was Dr Samuel Bennett, a graduate of Queen’s College, Cambridge (1797). He was ordained an Anglican clergyman in 1800 and served as Vicar of Great Wakering in Essex for about 16 years before moving to take up the living of Walton on the Hill, Surrey, in 1822, serving for some time as chaplain to the Duke of Kent. He died in 1847 at Constantinople, where he had held the post of chaplain to the British Embassy for many years.
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Bless, O Lord, this chalk and grant salvation to the human race. May all who cause the names of your holy magi Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar to be inscribed above their doors be blessed by the invocation of your most holy name, enjoy health of mind and body, and experience your strong protection for their souls. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. #oxfordoratory
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Devoutly we approach thy cradle, Lord, to find the one of whom the prophets spoke, and here behold the mighty God of thunders lying helpless on the straw. O grant us some of this humility that we may conquer mightily the reign of sin within us. And grant us, too, the protection of thy gentle Mother, whose tender eye and loving heart attend thy every wish. Amen. #oxfordoratory
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One month today, Marcia Delves-Broughton celebrates her golden wedding anniversary with her husband Simon. To celebrate the event, they have very kindly sponsored an impressive new Paschal candle stand that now stands by the font at the entrance to the church. #oxfordoratory
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Today we have too many things to celebrate! It is the eighth and final day of our extended celebration of Christmas. It is the solemn feast of Mary’s motherhood. It is a proclamation that Christ is both God and man, because we give Mary her title of Mother of God. It the day on which Our Lord was given his name Jesus, the one name by which we can be saved. It was on this day that Joseph proclaimed Jesus as his son at his circumcision, which was also the first time that Christ shed his blood for us and the day on which he entered into God’s covenant with the people of Israel in order to bring it to completion. And on top of all of that, we are beginning a new year. Happy 2021! #oxfordoratory
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“A plenary indulgence is granted to the Christian faithful who, in a church or in an oratory, take part in a recitation or solemn chant of the Te Deum hymn, on the last day of the year, in thanksgiving to God for the favours received in the course of the entire year.” If you couldn’t join us for the Te Deum tonight, join us for the Veni Creator tomorrow, for which there is also an indulgence attached! #oxfordoratory
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A beautiful picture of our church in better weather — a Christmas card from one of the younger members of the Oratory family. #oxfordoratory
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Today is 850 years since the death of St Thomas Becket. His shrine at Canterbury was one of the most popular pilgrimage destinations in Europe before the reformation. #oxfordoratory
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At Midnight Mass, we have a tradition that the subdeacon carries in the Bambino on the way to bless the crib. Happy Christmas! #oxfordoratory
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We have put together a little Christmas present from the Fathers for each household attending Christmas Masses. Here Fr Benedict blesses the holy water and candles that will be in each pack with a prayer card. #oxfordoratory
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The vestment used for Masses on Sunday featured Mediaeval embroidery on the central panels, including a beautiful nativity scene to prepare us for Friday. “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.” (Mt 13:52) #oxfordoratory
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Congratulations to Oscar who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday. If there are any adults out there who haven’t yet been confirmed, get in touch with one of the Fathers! #oxfordoratory
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“O God, who willed that at the message of an Angel your Word should take flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, grant that we, who pray to you and believe her to be truly the Mother of God, may be helped by her interceding before you.” Collect from this morning’s Rorate Mass. #oxfordoratory
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Beautiful new vestments made by @solis.vestments arrived today in time for Solemn Benediction tonight. Finishing touches just being added. #oxfordoratory
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Following the custom started by Pope St John Paul II, today we blessed the ‘bambinelli’, the figures of the infant Christ to be placed in the crib on Christmas morning. These are wrapped up and opened first on Christmas Day, to remind us that Christ is the first and most important gift of Christmas. #oxfordoratory
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O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee! Today is our principal feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom St Philip named the real foundress of the Oratory. #oxfordoratory
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“O people of Sion, behold, the Lord will come to save the nations, and the Lord will make the glory of his voice heard in the joy of your heart.” #oxfordoratory
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“Most Holy Virgin, obtain for us a deep hatred of sin, and purity of heart, so that our every thought, word and deed may tend to the greater glory of God.” #oxfordoratory
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Today is the last day of Masses for the souls on our November Dead List, but Masses and prayers for the Holy Souls carry on throughout the year. #oxfordoratory
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Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament this afternoon (until 4:30) for the feast of Christ the King. #oxfordoratory
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“In passing from a bad state to a good one there is no need of counsel, but in passing from a good one to a better, time, counsel, and prayer must go to the decision.” St Philip’s advice has been put into practice in cleaning up this corner of the church. Restoring the more colourful decoration will take a bit longer... #oxfordoratory
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Work in progress. A particularly run down corner of the church is receiving some much needed attention this week. #oxfordoratory
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St Gertrude (whose feast day also falls today) and St Ambrose had nothing to do with each other in life, so why are they the only two saints on our reredos looking at each other? They were given in memory of a husband and wife, Ambrose and Gertrude. He was clearly very devoted to her, because when she died he also commissioned the stained glass window of St Gertrude in the Lady Chapel. #oxfordoratory
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60 children who would otherwise have received nothing will now have something to look forward to on Christmas Day. Thanks to Oratory Outreach and all who brought in a box! #oxfordoratory
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O God, to whom it ever belongs to show mercy and to spare: look favourably on the souls of your servants, and forgive all of their sins: that, with the chains of mortality having been broken, they may merit to pass on to life. #oxfordoratory
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A joy to baptise Lola yesterday and welcome her into the family of the Church before lockdown began. #oxfordoratory
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As St Philip said, “At last we must die.” Pray for the Fathers and Brothers of the Oratory who have gone before us. Solemn Requiem tonight at 6pm. #oxfordoratory
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Today, all priests can say three Masses, to give the Holy Souls as much help as possible. #oxfordoratory
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Strengthened by so great a cloud of witnesses, may we run as victors in the race before us. #oxfordoratory
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Oxford has moved into new restrictions and there are rumours of a second lockdown, but the church is still open for Masses and confessions. #oxfordoratory
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“It is generally better to give the body rather too much food than rather too little; for the too much can be easily subtracted, but when a man has injured his constitution by the too little, it is not so easy to get right again.” — St Philip. #oxfordoratory
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Today’s Masses are celebrated using Fr Jerome’s ordination chalice. Cujus animae propitietur Deus. #oxfordoratory
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The Relic Chapel has had something of a lighting upgrade this week making more of the beautiful paintings and making it possible for those praying there to see what they are doing! #oxfordoratory
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Oratory Young Adults meets again live and in person on Friday 30 October. #oxfordoratory
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“Let nothing disturb you; let nothing frighten you. All things are passing. God never changes. Patience obtains all things. He who possesses God lacks nothing. God alone suffices.” - St Teresa of Avila and in the picture her statue is glimpsed through the open doors of the Oratory church. #oxfordoratory
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Congratulations to Fr Martin Mary FSSR who was ordained priest at the end of August, and today said Mass for his father for the first time. Fr Martin Mary will celebrate and preach at the 8am Mass this Sunday and give first blessings after. #oxfordoratory
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Let my prayer arise before you O Lord, like incense in your sight. #oxfordoratory
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St John Henry, pray for us! Solemn Mass tonight at 6pm. #oxfordoratory
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Join us tonight for day two of our triduum in preparation for St John Henry Newman’s feast day on Friday. (Day 1 is on YouTube if you need to catch up.) Abbot Cuthbert Brogan of St Michael’s Abbey Farnborough will preach at the Solemn Mass on Friday at 6pm. #oxfordoratory
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St Luigi Scrosoppi founded a ‘House for the Destitute’ as a home for orphans. He would drive a cart around the local countryside to beg for building materials. On one trip he was accused of being a robber and punched in the face. His response? ‘That was for me, now how about something for my orphans?’
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There has always been a very special devotion to St Thérèse in the Oratory in Birmingham and then in Oxford. #oxfordoratory
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Blessing one of our young people leaving to start university. #oxfordoratory
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A lot of essential repairs were delayed in the last few months and are finally under way. At the moment all the loose render from the top of the church buttresses is being removed and replaced. You can see the lighter new render on the first buttress to the left. Quite a few roof problems should be fixed this week too. #oxfordoratory
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Fr Joseph Hamilton has been living with us for the last two years while studying at the university. This morning we wished him buon viaggio and grazie as he moves to Rome, where he will be taking up a new position in the Vatican. #oxfordoratory
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Photos from Fr Benedict’s ordination and first Mass are now on our website. #oxfordoratory
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Behind the scenes: before the ordination, the bishop blessed the new priest’s vestments.
Almighty everlasting God, who decreed through Moses, your servant, that the vesture of high-priest, priest, and levite, used in fulfilling their ministry in your sight, should be worn to dignify and beautify the worship rendered to your holy name; mercifully heed our prayers, and be pleased, through our lowly ministry, to bless these priestly vestments, bedewing them with your grace, so that they become hallowed and suitable for divine worship and the sacred mysteries. Let every bishop, priest, or deacon clothed in these sacred vestments be strengthened and defended from all assault or temptation of wicked spirits; let them perform and celebrate your mysteries reverently and well; and let them always carry out their ministry in a devout and pleasing manner; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Congratulations to our new priest, Fr Benedict Manning. Ad multos annos! #oxfordoratory
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It is 30 years today since the first Oratorian Fathers arrived in Oxford. There was a lot of tidying up to do. Here is a picture of Fr Dominic working. #oxfordoratory
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St Gregory is one of the few saints who makes it onto the top row of our reredos without ever visiting the British Isles. He earned his place by sending missionaries to the English people. #oxfordoratory
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The Sisters of St Elisabeth are selling icons and more after each Mass today to support their many charitable projects in Byelorussia. You can read about their work on their website:
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St Monica praying with her son St Augustine features on the back of our Christmas vestments. “Forgetting what lay in the past, and stretching out to what was ahead, we enquired between ourselves, in the light of present truth, into what you are and what the eternal life of the saints would be like.” (From St Augustine’s Confessions) #oxfordoratory
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“May God bless my dear Emma and make her a great saint, that she may be able to pray for England and obtain the conversion of the entire Kingdom. Amen. Pray for your poor dear F Dominic.”
A letter of Bl Dominic to Emma Haggerston, later Mother Mary Clare of Princethorpe. #oxfordoratory
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Ongoing maintenance continues elsewhere in church. Several patches of the wall have had their crumbling plaster replaced. It might not looking terribly exciting, but these are all small steps towards repainting and restoring the decoration of the whole building. #oxfordoratory
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Finishing touches (pt 2): after the consecration the new altar is a mess of water, ash, salt, wine, chrism, incense and melted wax! A cloth soaked in wax is put down first to protect the upper cloths from stains, then three linen cloths are used to dress the altar. Continuing the idea that the altar with its five crosses represents Christ’s body with five wounds, these remind us of the three linen cloths used to wrap Our Lord’s body in the tomb. The top cloth has been newly made by Ann Bailey to ensure a perfect fit. #oxfordoratory
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“Almighty everliving God, we humbly entreat your majesty to consecrate with your blessing this tabernacle made to contain the body of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; through Christ our Lord. Amen.” #oxfordoratory
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Finishing touches: our new Sacred Heart Altar contains a tabernacle for occasional use when a bishop says Mass at the High Altar or as the Altar of Repose during the Easter Triduum. Olga Watkin (@filaurum) has been working away at a beautiful new tabernacle veil that will let us know when Our Lord is present. #oxfordoratory
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First Mass this morning at our freshly-consecrated altar. #oxfordoratory
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The final preparation is of the water that is used first in the rite — a special kind of holy water called Gregorian water. Normal holy water consists of salt and water that are both exorcised and blessed before being mixed together. Gregorian water contains ashes and wine as well. These ingredients recall those used by Moses in the consecration of the tabernacle in the wilderness (the wine serves as a substitute for animal blood). The water is named after Pope St Gregory the Great, who ordered it to be used in consecration of churches and altars. The final prayer of the blessing reads:
Almighty, ever-living God, creator and preserver of the human race, giver of spiritual grace, and bestower of eternal salvation, send your Holy Spirit upon this water mixed with wine, salt and ash; that, armed with the power of heaven for our defence, it may bring about the consecration of this altar. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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During the final section of the rite of consecration, five incense grains are placed on the centre and points of each of the five engraved crosses that were earlier washed with Gregorian water and anointed with chrism. Specially prepared cross-shaped candles are then placed on top and lit, burning the incense, while the choir sings the prayer to the Holy Spirit. The incense to be used is blessed beforehand using the following prayer:
O Lord God Almighty, before whom the host of Angels stands with trembling, they whose service is known to be spiritual and with fire, deign to look down and bless this creature of incense, that, perceiving its fragrance, all weakness and all infirmities, and the snares of the enemy may flee, and be removed from your image, which you have redeemed with the precious Blood of your Son, that it may never be wounded by the bite of the wicked serpent. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
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A record of the consecration is buried in the sepulchre with the relics. Thanks to Freddie Quartley, we have a very beautiful certificate for our altar. It reads:
“In the year of Our Lord 2020, on the fourteenth day of the month of August, I, Robert, Bishop of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, consecrated this altar, in honour of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ and enclosed in it the relics of the holy Martyrs Pope Fabian and Sebastian.” #oxfordoratory
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These are the fragments of the bones of Pope St Fabian and St Sebastian that will be buried in the sepulchre when we consecrate our altar. Each altar must contain the relics of a martyr, a practice predicted in the book of the Apocalypse: ‘I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne’ (Rev. 6:9).
A martyr is literally a ‘witness’. Part of the function of an altar is to serve as a witness to our covenant with God, and so it is fitting that their relics are involved in its consecration.
The certificate in the background is the guarantee of their authenticity. #oxfordoratory
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Altars contain a small cavity called a sepulchre. The relics of saints are buried in this sepulchre together with three grains of incense, and the cover sealed in place. This recalls the earliest custom of the Church of celebrating Mass always on the tombs of the martyrs. We are certain that the martyrs’ souls are in heaven, therefore their bodily remains are a link to them and to heaven itself. #oxfordoratory
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The new altar already has five of these crosses carved into its surface: one at each corner and one in the centre. Since the altar represents Christ’s body, these crosses represent his five wounds. During the rite of consecration, they are washed with specially prepared water (more on that later!), and anointed with chrism, as Christ’s wounds were washed and anointed before he was placed in the tomb. #oxfordoratory
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Catching up: we were due to consecrate our new altar in April. It will be consecrated later this week by Bishop Robert. We’ll film the whole thing for you to watch online and will post our preparations as we go along. #oxfordoratory
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Many people found time to finish projects over the lockdown period and Freddie Quartley was no exception, painting this beautiful frontal for the Oratory. #oxfordoratory
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This weekend we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Oxford. #oxfordoratory
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St Mary Magdalene, pray for us! The scaffolding in the sanctuary a few years ago made it possible to get some great shots of the stained glass. #oxfordoratory
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Fr Jerome’s publishers are still catching up with him. ‘Mediaeval Inscriptions: The Epigraphy of the City of Oxford’ will be coming out next month. The Oxfordshire Record Society will be publishing two further works by him in 2021 and 2023. For more information see #oxfordoratory
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Post-Vespers incense catching the evening light. The church is feeling (and smelling!) much more prayed in again. #oxfordoratory
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Wonderful to have a congregation again for the first public Mass since lockdown began. Masses are back to the usual times, plus an EF Mass every day at 8am (8:10 Mon–Fri). All Masses are streamed live on our YouTube channel. #oxfordoratory
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Fresh new signs and coloured markers for seating show we are ready for public Masses, Deo Gratias. Our capacity is a little limited but we cannot wait to welcome you all back to the altar again after such a long time. Masses tomorrow are at 8:00 (EF), 10:00 and vigil at 6:30. #oxfordoratory
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The photo isn’t great but the news is. Public Mass to resume in our church starting from 8am next Saturday. Full details to follow later today on our website. #oxfordoratory
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O Sacred Heart,
Lead exiled children home,
Where we may ever rest near thee,
In peace and joy eternally,
O Sacred Heart.
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Every precaution is taken to ensure the older Fathers’ safety at this time of pandemic. #oxfordoratory
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Nearly ready to open the church. See you this afternoon between 2pm and 5pm. #oxfordoratory
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Preparations are under way for opening the church on Monday. This morning is the big (socially distanced) clean. #oxfordoratory
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From the archive: Corpus Christi 2013. Very sad not to have a procession this year but there will be a Musical Oratory tonight at 6:30pm. Download the booklet here: #oxfordoratory
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This morning we said farewell to Br Aloysius. After trying his vocation with us for six months, Br Aloysius returned home to Amsterdam today. He has been very popular in the parish, and we know you will all join us in wishing him well. #oxfordoratory
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Come, Holy Spirit! Join us at 6:30 for our Pentecost Musical Oratory. You can download the booklet here: #oxfordoratory
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Happy St Philip’s day! St Philip’s relic and our special missal are ready for the sung Mass tonight. #oxfordoratory
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The church waits for our people to return and the Church prays to be filled with the Holy Spirit. #oxfordoratory
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Our young adults assembled from around the world tonight to discuss the gifts the Holy Spirit brings. #oxfordoratory
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“Celebrating the most sacred day on which your Only Begotten Son, our Lord, placed at the right hand of your glory our weak human nature.” Happy feast of the Ascension. Time to start praying to the Holy Spirit. #oxfordoratory
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The little tower of our church against beautiful skies over the city today. #oxfordoratory
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While we look forward eagerly to their being open again, there’s a great view of the fully restored doors. #oxfordoratory
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We are trying to make sure that the church feels inviting when everyone is allowed back in! #oxfordoratory
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For the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, in Mary’s month, the design for the apse window. #oxfordoratory
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Morning light catches the saints on the Reredos. The Fathers gather for a time of prayer each day at 7:00am. #oxfordoratory
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The Lady Chapel looks best in May, when lit only by the early morning sun. Join us for May devotions at 6:30pm tonight. #oxfordoratory
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Praying for our priests and for vocations to the priesthood on Good Shepherd Sunday. #oxfordoratory
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OYA by Zoom tonight at 8pm
What’s in a name? Who to talk to when you pray
Do you ever feel like praying is a bit like throwing a coin into a wishing well? How confident are we that our prayers are actually heard, let alone answered? When we speak to God, who do we actually think we’re talking to? We’ll be looking at this and more tonight, with the help of the Scriptures. There should be something in this talk that brings everyone closer to our heavenly Father.
Tonight’s meeting is taking a slightly different format because of the lockdown. We’ll be starting promptly at 8pm. Click this link to open the meeting in Zoom:
We’ll jump straight into the introduction as soon as we’re ready. We’ll use the breakout room feature of Zoom so that everyone can discuss the questions in small groups as we would normally. Then through the wonder of technology, everyone will be transported back to the main meeting for the final talk.
There will still be the usual prayers at the end (without the singing!), but we won’t have the period of silent prayer in front of the computer screen — that’s best left till later.
We look forward to seeing you all this evening, especially if you’re no longer in Oxford and wouldn’t have been able to attend in person tonight.
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In Joseph’s house at Nazareth,
The sound of hammer fills the air,
As light of early dawn appears
To great the Holy Family there.
The world's own Maker, Christ himself,
Submits to thee as household head,
His brow with sweat of toil bedew’d,
He shares with thee hard labour’s bread.
Hymn for the Feast of St Joseph the Worker
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“Eternal God, eternal Trinity, you have made the Blood of Christ so precious through his sharing in your Divine nature. You are a mystery as deep as the sea; the more I search, the more I find, and the more I find, the more I search for you. But I can never be satisfied; what I receive will ever leave me desiring more. When you fill my soul I have an ever-greater hunger, and I grow more famished for your light. I desire above all to see you, the true light, as you really are. Amen.” An act of Spiritual Communion by St Catherine of Siena, with a view of a window in the Sacred Heart chapel. #oxfordoratory
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Today is the Patronage of St Philip, the 27th birthday of the Oxford Oratory. Download the booklet on our website for the Musical Oratory tonight. #oxfordoratory
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“And they knew him in the breaking of bread.” Today’s Gospel of Emmaus as it appears on one of our best vestments. #oxfordoratory
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Before and after. High level cleaning in church this week. #oxfordoratory
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The natural light in church is beautiful at this time of year. #oxfordoratory
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‘The sheep are ransomed by the Lamb.’ A detail from the vestment we use for the Easter Octave — Easter is so important that we spread the celebration out for 8 days. That also means you don’t need to go meat free this Friday! #oxfordoratory
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The Fathers & Brothers of the Oratory wish you all a very happy Easter. Let us remember to have courage! Love is stronger than death. Surrexit Christus vere, alleluia!
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This year’s Paschal candle has been beautifully decorated with the banner of the Five Wounds by Freddie Quartley. #oxfordoratory
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From the archive: Good Friday 2014.
Today's Solemn Liturgy of the Passion:
The Stations of the Cross: #oxfordoratory
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The Altar of Repose. #oxfordoratory
Mass of the Lord's Supper:
A brief prayer vigil at the Altar of Repose:
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The altar of repose ready for this evening. In addition to the advertised liturgies, there will be a period of watching with readings and prayers streamed from 9:30. #oxfordoratory
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Each morning in Holy Week the Fathers and Brothers pray the Stations of the Cross. The whole Oratory family will be in our prayers at 10:00am today as you were here yesterday. Keep an eye on our YouTube channel for a recording of Stations you can join with. #oxfordoratory
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The Lady Chapel is veiled for Passiontide. Today (Friday of Passion week) is traditionally a day to remember the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady. #oxfordoratory
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The relics of the saints have been taken in and the relic of the True Cross has been placed on the high altar. O Crux, ave, spes unica! #oxfordoratory
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Have you ever noticed the six-winged seraphim who guard the tabernacle of our church? They follow the description of the spirits guarding the throne of God in Isaiah’s vision (Is. 6:2–6). Now is a good time to ask your own guardian angel for help, while it is impossible to attend Mass:
O holy angel at my side, go to the church for me.
Kneel at my place at Holy Mass where I desire to be.
At the offertory in my stead, take all I am and own
and place it as a sacrifice upon the altar throne.
At holy consecration’s bell adore with the seraphs above
my Jesus hidden in the host come down from heaven above.
And pray for those I dearly love and those who cause me grief.
That Jesus’ heart may cleanse all hearts and suffering souls relieve.
And when the priest communion makes, O bring my Lord to me,
that his sweet heart may rest on mine and I his temple be.
Pray that this sacrifice divine may mankind’s sins efface
then bring thy blessing home, the pledge of every grace!
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England successfully rededicated as Our Lady’s dowry. #oxfordoratory #rededicationathome @behold2020
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The rededication of England as Mary’s dowry is still taking place across the country today, in a slightly lower key format than originally planned. Join us in the dedication as we say the Prayer for England after Benediction this evening. #oxfordoratory
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Observant followers will have noticed that we’re not streaming from the church! Instead we’re in the Guild Room that connects to the Porter’s Lodge (and has WiFi!). The room was originally built as another classroom for the primary school, and then became a meeting room for parish guilds (hence the name). It now serves as a small chapel that can be used for Mass with a small group, and it’s where the Fathers and Brothers meet every evening for ‘Oratory’ — the way of praying that St Philip taught his followers in Rome 500 years ago. #oxfordoratory
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Behind the scenes of our live (low budget) streaming set up. #oxfordoratory
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The Madonna Della Strada has been featuring in all of our streamed Masses. The original icon is in the Gesù, the first church of the Society of Jesus in Rome. Our image can be seen in old photos of the church hanging where the hymn numbers go now. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God!
Tune in for Mass of the Annunciation at 6pm and sung Vespers at 6:45pm. #oxfordoratory
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Churches may be closed but the saints never cease to pray for us before the throne of mercy. #oxfordoratory
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We are live streaming two Masses per day from 6pm tonight. See our website for times and more information on what to do when you can’t get to Mass. #oxfordoratory
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See our website for more info on helping those in need through the current crisis. #oxfordoratory
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We invoke the intercession and protection of Our Lady of Oxford during these days of uncertainty and worry. May she protect all in our city, especially the most vulnerable. We fly to Thy protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin. #oxfordoratory
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While some precautions are in place, the Oratory is open and Masses and prayers are at the usual times. At the end of each Mass we kneel together and pray for God’s protection and Our Lady’s intercession for us all at this time. Let’s try and remember the words of Padre Pio, “Pray, hope and don’t worry,” remembering especially to look out for the elderly and those self-isolating. #oxfordoratory
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We are reciting the following prayer after all Masses. For full updates on how Coronavirus might affect Masses, see our website.
A prayer in time of sickness
I am the salvation of the people, says the Lord. Should they cry to me in any distress, I will hear them, and I will be their Lord forever.
Let us pray.
O God, our refuge in trials, our strength in sickness, our comfort in sorrow, spare your people, we pray, that, though rightly chastised now by affliction, they may find relief at last through your loving mercy. Remember your people, O Lord, and grant them your help, that, freed from every evil, they may serve you with all their heart and ever stand firm under your protection. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
We fly to thy protection, O holy Mother of God: despise not our petitions in our necessities; but deliver us from all dangers, O ever glorious and blessed Virgin.
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God:
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.
Defend, O Lord, we beseech you, by the intercession of blessed Mary, ever virgin, this your family from all adversity; and mercifully protect us, who prostrate ourselves before you with all our hearts, from the snares of the enemy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. #oxfordoratory
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We pray the Stations of the Cross together every Friday during Lent at 5:30pm. The beautiful carved alabaster stations were given to the church by the Society of the Holy Child Jesus when they moved out of their old convent, which is now the site of Linacre College. #oxfordoratory
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A full house for today’s fascinating talk on the Shroud of Turin. If you missed out, there’s still plenty of time to see the exhibition in church before it leaves on 13 March. Next week Fr John Hunwicke will continue our Lenten talks with ‘Devotion to the Five Wounds’ at 11am. #oxfordoratory
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Today we welcomed an exhibition on the Shroud of Turin to our church for the next two weeks. This amazing exhibition includes a life-sized replica of the shroud. The first of our Lent talks this Saturday at 11:00 will be on the mystery of the Shroud so don’t miss it. Cafe Neri will be open from 10:30, so we look forward to welcoming you. #oxfordoratory
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“Turn to the Lord again, for he is all gentleness and compassion.” Masses for Ash Wednesday continue at 10:00am, 12:15pm, & the High Mass at 6:00pm. #oxfordoratory
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Ash Wednesday tomorrow means pancakes today! Thanks to our OYA volunteers. Masses at 7:30, 10, 12:15 and 6pm tomorrow. #oxfordoratory
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In the Ordinary Form today is the last “green” Sunday, before the Church turns to the penitential purple of Lent. Don’t forget to pick up a Lent booklet from the back of church, giving details of all services and events at the Oratory during the coming season. #oxfordoratory #oratory #lent
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Fliers with times for everything happening between Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday are at the back of church now. Take some for your friends and family too. #oxfordoratory
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Friends of the Oratory. A recent snap of the launch party for a new giving circle organised by our lay trustees and friends. If you would like information about the Friends of Oratory or wish to join see the link in our bio. #oxfordoratory
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We are honoured to host His Grace the Archbishop of Milan and 130 of his priests as they celebrate Mass in our church this morning. His Grace and his clergy are on a pilgrimage to England. #oxfordoratory
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Newman once wrote to one of the fathers saying, “I will tell you the kind of person who could be of use, a person who could SING...or a good musician generally — an organ player. Music is so great a part of the Oratory.” Today we thanked Matthew Martin, our Director of Music, for being just that this past year. #oxfordoratory
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Today is the feast of Bl. Sebastian Valfrè of the Oratory in Turin, “the Father who had paradise in his eyes”. #oxfordoratory #oratory
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Our buildings are a little bit like painting the Forth Bridge, whenever one job is done another needs to be started. The floors in the Guild and Hopkins Rooms are receiving much-needed repairs this week. Just a glimpse into the constant maintenance required by the lovely buildings we have. #oxfordoratory
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Thirty-five of our young adults gathered for their first Oratory meeting of 2020. After discussion, talks and the Oratory prayers they finished the meeting in the Royal Oak. Next month’s meeting for Catholics between 18 and 35-ish will be on 14th February at 7:30pm #oxfordoratory
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‘You are salt — tu sal es.’ Bl. Juvenal of the Oratory greets St Francis de Sales with a pun. The old ones are the best. Or maybe not... #oxfordoratory
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Congratulations to Anthony, received into Full Communion with the Church on the feast of St Antony. #oxfordoratory
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Ready for Solemn Benediction in honour of St Joseph Vaz tonight. St Joseph was a priest of the Oratory in Goa who went to preach the Gospel in modern day Sri Lanka. His work was accompanied by a great number of miracles, including the miraculous rain shower through his prayers that put an end to a severe drought (he stayed dry!) and telling off a herd of stampeding elephants. #oxfordoratory
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The Parish Choir in full voice at the 9:30 Mass this morning, singing “Laudate nomen Domini” by Christopher Tye. #oxfordoratory
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“When a profound silence covered all things and night was in the middle of its course, your all-powerful Word, O Lord, bounded from heaven’s royal throne.” (Wis. 18:14–15) #oxfordoratory
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Seven years ago the Sisters of the Bl Virgin Mary were received into full communion with the Catholic Church at the Oratory. It’s become our custom to celebrate the anniversary with them on this their patronal feast. This morning three of the Fathers travelled to Birmingham to do just that, celebrating Mass and enjoying a fraternal visit. Happy New Year, Sisters! #sbvm #oxfordoratory
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“And at the end of eight days, when he was circumcised, he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.” Spending the last moments of 2019 with Our Lord, giving him thanks for all his gifts, and asking his blessings on 2020. There was a chance to gain a plenary indulgence by reciting the Te Deum yesterday. Don’t worry if you missed it — there’s another opportunity today if you recite the Veni Creator Spiritus. Happy New Year!
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The Fathers have sung first Vespers, first Mass of Christmas has begun, the church is bathed in candlelight, and the Bambino is placed in the Manger. A Happy and Holy Christmas to you all. #oxfordoratory
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Ever wondered what the priest’s side of the confessional looks like? There will be a priest hearing confessions almost all day on Christmas Eve 11:00–17:30. Confessions are heard every day of the year, 20 minutes before every Mass, and on Saturday 10:30–11:00 and 17:00–18:30. Don’t be put off if it’s been a while since your last confession — there are free printed guides available in church, and the priest will be more than happy to help you through it. #oxfordoratory
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There’s a certain stillness about a crib waiting for its infant Lord. The Oratory crib waits in expectation for our own midnight Mass tomorrow, as do we. Why not join us? The Vigil Mass is at 6:30pm and then Carols and readings from 11:15 pm followed by Mass at midnight. #oxfordoratory #oratory #christmas #oxford
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“The Virgin will conceive and bear a Son, and they will call him Emmanuel”. On the Fourth Sunday of Advent we know that the Lord is coming very soon! Don’t forget to pick up a newsletter or Christmas card from church for Mass and Confession times over the coming days. #oxfordoratory #oratory
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St Thérèse is back, now in full technicolour! This is the shrine’s original image, which had been hidden away for a few years because it had started to look a bit tired. Fully restored, St Thérèse is once again ready for action! #oxfordoratory
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It was lovely to welcome so many people to our Carol Service last evening with readings, choral music and the congregational carols we all love. The service ended with Solemn Benediction. #oxfordoratory
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Booklets ready for the Christmas Carol service tonight at 8pm. Bring your friends and family — it’s totally free, and our talented choir have all our favourite carols lined up for us. #oxfordoratory
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Young Oratory had a great time racing to complete the evil genius’s challenges after their end of term Mass last night. #oxfordoratory
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Rorate cæli desuper — drop down ye heavens from above. A glimpse of this morning’s sung Rorate Mass in honour of Our Lady. #oxfordoratory
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Our cards with Christmas Mass times are here! Collect yours from the back of church, and take some to invite friends and family with too.
Carol Service
Wednesday 18 December 20:00
Tue 24 Dec — Christmas Eve
Mass at 7:30 and 10:00
Confessions before all Masses and 11:00–17:30
Sung First Vespers of Christmas at 17:30
First Mass of Christmas with carols at 18:30
The church is closed after Mass until 23:00
Carols and readings from 23:15
Midnight Mass at midnight
Wed 25 Dec — Christmas Day
EF Latin Mass at 8:00
Sung English Mass at 9:30 (with children’s liturgy)
Solemn Mass at 11:00
Solemn Benediction at 17:30
No evening Mass
Thur 26 Dec — St Stephen’s Day
Mass at 10:00 only
Tue 31 Dec — New Year’s Eve
Mass at 7:30, 10:00, 18:00
Sung Mass and Benediction for New Year at 23:00
Wed 1 Jan — New Year’s Day
Mass at 10:00 only
Epiphany Procession & Benediction
Saturday 4 January 15:00
Before every Mass
Saturdays 10:30–11:00 and 17:00–18:30
and Christmas Eve 11:00–17:30
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Congratulations to Kasey, who was received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church on the feast of St Ambrose. “So the Church, in response to grace so great, exhorts her children, exhorts her neighbours, to hasten to these mysteries: Neighbours, she says, come and eat; brethren, drink and be filled.” (St Ambrose, ‘On the Mysteries’) #oxfordoratory
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Our school choir sang some Gregorian chant in honour of Our Lady particularly beautifully at Mass this morning. #oxfordoratory
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Our novena of preparation for the feast of the Immaculate Conception is now concluded. Join us for Solemn Choral Vespers tonight at 5:30pm. Fr Robert Gay O.P., Prior of Blackfriars, will be the preacher at the Solemn Mass tomorrow evening at 6pm. #oxfordoratory
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The Father was pleased to represent the Community at a Musical Oratory at the newly-founded York Oratory in celebration of the canonisation of our Cardinal. Please pray for the new Oratory and for our own! #yorkoratory #oxfordoratory #oratory
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The Fathers were delighted this evening to clothe Br Aloysius van Giersbergen in the habit of St Philip. Please pray for vocations to the Oratory! #oxfordoratory #oratory
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Six years after Fr Richard and Fr Nicholas set off to begin the work of establishing an Oratory in York, the Holy Father has now issued a decree establishing the community of Fathers and Brothers living at St Wilfrid’s as a fully independent Oratory, as of 9 November, the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica.
The York Oratory began on the initiative of the Bishop of Middlesbrough, Rt Rev. Terence Drainey, who invited the Oxford Oratory to make a foundation in his diocese shortly after the beatification of St John Henry Newman in 2010. Community life began at St Wilfrid’s Church in York on 28 October 2013, and the new community now has six members: Fr Richard Duffield, Fr Daniel Seward, Br Adam Fairbairn, Br Henry O’Connell, Fr Stephen Brown and Br David Chadwick. #oxfordoratory
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A pleasure to welcome Bishop Michael Campbell OSA for extraordinary form confirmations. Pray for all the young people confirmed tonight, and those who will be confirmed on Saturday morning. #oxfordoratory
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Our Sacred Heart Chapel Unveiled! After two years of planning, preparation and three months of construction, our new Sacred Heart altar has been installed, along with a new floor and the redecoration of the chapel.
Designed by Robert Kerr RIBA of @adamarchitecture , the altar is built of limestone and coloured marbles from Italy, crafted by S. McConnell & Son of Kilkeel, Northern Ireland. The design of the altar is in the restrained Roman Baroque style associated with the Roman churches of the counter-reformation. The facade of the Roman Oratory Church, the Chiesa Nuova, was a particular inspiration.
The chapel has been repainted in a highly breathable natural paint and in a subtle colour to allow the altar and statue of the Sacred Heart to stand out. The decorators painstakingly uncovered the natural sandstone surrounds and tracery on the windows and the piscina.
It is our hope in years to come to add a scheme of stencilled decoration with symbols of the Sacred Heart, patterns and borders.
The main contractors were @symmthebuilder
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On the 11th day of the 11th month we commemorate the signing of the Armistice which ended the Great War, and pray for those who gave their lives in defence of freedom. Depicted is the War Memorial tablet in the Oratory church. Requiescant in pace. #oxfordoratory
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Our church was packed yesterday for Fr Jerome’s funeral. The Fathers are grateful to everyone who joined us, and for the many cards and condolences. November is traditionally the month for praying for the souls of our deceased loved ones and all the faithful departed. Lux perpetua luceat eis. #oxfordoratory
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One of the treasures of the Oxford Oratory is our collection of letters and autographs of saints. Here, on his feast day, is the signature of St Charles Borromeo, reforming Archbishop of Milan, and friend of our holy father St Philip. #oxfordoratory #oratory
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The catafalque after our Solemn Requiem Mass for All the Faithful Departed this morning. Requiem aeternum dona eis Domine! #oxfordoratory #oratory
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“Vidi turbam magnam, quam dinumerare nemo poterat.” All the lamps are lit on the reredos in time for First Vespers of All Saints. #oxfordoratory
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Our Forty Hours continued today, with many people braving the foul weather to spend time with Our Lord throughout the day. The Devotions will end tomorrow afternoon at 5pm with Solemn Vespers and Benediction. #oxfordoratory #oratory #fortyhours #quarant’ore
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The Forty Hours has begun. Oratory Young Adults met for the first talk of the season on the Eucharist. Compline tonight at 11pm and Matins and Lauds at 5am. #oxfordoratory #oratoryyoungadults
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The Fathers’ preparations for the Forty Hours Devotions are not only spiritual.
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Our celebrations for Cardinal’s canonisation concluded on Sunday with a wonderful Mass of Thanksgiving at which Bishop William Kenny preached. Here one of the many students who look to St John Henry paid a quiet visit to his shrine to pray before his relics. #oxfordoratory
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The Fathers are delighted to host Bishop Barron to speak on Newman and the New Evangelisation here in the University Church (by kind permission of the Vicar and Churchwardens). It’s being live streamed now on #bishopbarron ‘s Facebook page #oxfordoratory
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A wonderful crowd gathered in the Chiesa Nuova on Sunday night for the Musical Oratory, and here all stood to sing the Te Deum in thanksgiving for our Cardinal’s canonisation. #oxfordoratory
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Br Benedict was privileged to serve as deacon at the Mass of Canonisation today. Here he accompanies the Holy Father as he censes the relics of the new saints and the image of Our Lady. Photo from @franciscus
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Parishioners from Oxford helped make up the 20,000 gathered for the canonisation of St John Henry Newman, Our Cardinal. #oxfordoratory
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Wonderful to be at the prayer vigil and celebratory concert tonight in anticipation of our Cardinal’s canonisation tomorrow. Here the gentlemen of the London Oratory Schola Cantorum are in fine voice. #newmancanonisation #oxfordoratory
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Our pilgrims to the canonisation of Bl. John Henry Newman arrived safely last night and began today with Mass at the Chiesa Nuova, on the altar where St Philip's body is buried. #oxfordoratory
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Wonderful to see so many join the Newman Night Walk from the Oratory, stopping by significant sites in Newman’s life, to Littlemore last night where we marked the time of Cardinal’s reception into the Church. Thank you to the Sisters of the Work for their generous hospitality. #oxfordoratory
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Join us at 6.30 for the second night of the triduum in preparation for the feast of Bl John Henry Newman. The triduum continues tomorrow at 6:30 and we celebrate the feast with Solemn Vespers at 6:30pm on Wednesday. #oxfordoratory
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Our triduum in preparation for the feast of Blessed John Henry Newman, our Cardinal, has begun. Join us tomorrow and Tuesday at 6.30pm. #oxfordoratory #newmancanonisation
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The shrine of St Thérèse is currently hidden by the work on the new Sacred Heart altar, but in the meantime the original statue has been lovingly restored and decorated by Anthony Lummis. St Thérèse should make a full colour appearance soon! #oxfordoratory
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One of St Vincent de Paul’s letters in our relic of the month display in the Relic chapel for his feast today. #oxfordoratory
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“Ad Deum qui lætificat juventutem meam.” Well done to Joseph who served his first Mass in the Extraordinary Form today. #oxfordoratory
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Join us to hear Bishop Barron speak on Newman here in Oxford.
Wednesday 16 October at 5:00 at The University Church. For tickets see link in bio.
To celebrate the canonisation of John Henry Newman, Bishop Robert Barron gives a lecture on "Newman and the New Evangelisation" in the Church where Newman gave some of his greatest sermons. You are invited to fill the very pews which were once crowded with undergraduates and churchmen to hear Newman preach, and to listen to one of the greatest evangelists of our own day speak on Newman's impact as the greatest evangelist of his day. Don't miss out on this historic occasion. #oxfordoratory #newmancanonisation #bishopbarron
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The English Oratory pilgrimage to Walsingham took place today, when Fathers, Brothers and Parishioners from all three English Houses prayed for the Church, our country, and the world. #oxfordoratory #oratory #walsingham
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We’ve been welcoming visitors to our church all day as part of the #oxfordopendoors weekend. There are printed church guides available and a small exhibition of vestments. There will be a free guided tour on Sunday at 3pm. #oxfordoratory
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Congratulations to Br Benedict on his ordination to the diaconate! More photos available here: #oxfordoratory
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Cafe Neri has returned! After a longer summer break than anticipated the Cafe team are back to work and waiting to welcome you! #oxfordoratory #cafeneri
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Before a man is ordained deacon he has to make a profession of faith and take the oath of fidelity. Preparations for Br Benedict’s diaconate ordination are now well underway. Saturday 7th September 12noon. #oxfordoratory #ordination
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St Cuthbert is one of the more unexpected saints to appear both in a statue and a window on our sanctuary. But then St Oswald is ahead of the other saints too. #oxfordoratory #saintcuthbert
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Today is the memoria of B. Juvenal Ancina, a priest of the Roman Oratory who was sent to Naples by St Philip. He was later made Bishop of Saluzzo. May he pray for the Oratory, and especially for all Oratorian bishops (including our own Bishop Robert of Hexham and Newcastle). #oxfordoratory #oratory
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A lamp burns in front of St Augustine’s statue on his feast day. Did you know there are 52 statues of archangels and saints on the reredos of our high altar? #oxfordoratory #oratory #staugustine
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We have devotions to Our Lady of Oxford, Mother of Mercy, every Saturday after the morning Mass. Petitions and thanksgivings are read and we entrust our needs and our city to Our Lady’s intercession. #oxfordoratory
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With 2m piles now in the ground, a concrete slab will form the basis of our new Sacred Heart altar. Thanks to our fantastic team of contractors.
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The Oxford Patristics Conference means visiting priests and many more Masses #oxfordoratory #oratory #patristicsconference
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Solemn Benediction following Vespers with the @scholasaintececile who are visiting with us this week. #oxfordoratory
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Good to welcome the veteran serving team. Thankfully the MC didn’t catch fire this Sunday. #oxfordoratory
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Work is progressing beautifully on our new Sacred Heart altar. Here we see part of the ‘dry build’ in the stonemason’s workshop in County Down. #oxfordoratory
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With graduations happening in these days it is nice to welcome back familiar faces and their families, like Carlo Maria. #oxfordoratory
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Pilgrims from Regis High School NY visiting the relics of the English Martyrs #oxfordoratory
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A celebratory reception for Fr Jerome’s 40th anniversary was enjoyed by all after the High Mass, at the end of which Fr Jerome gave Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Here the Father gives a speech and Fr Jerome thanks all those present.
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