You can book a Mass to be said for your intentions at the Porter’s Lodge in person, or online through PayPal.
To book online, follow this link to our PayPal page.
Once you have selected what offering you would like to make to the priest offering the Mass, click ‘Donate’ (if you have a PayPal account) or ‘Donate with a card’ (if you don’t have a PayPal account). In the box that says ‘Write a note (optional)’, fill in the name of the person or the intention for which you would like a Mass to be offered.
If you would like a Mass to be said on a particular day, you can enter this in the note with your intention and we’ll do our best to make it happen. If Masses on that day have already been booked, Mass will be offered for your intention on the closest available day. The list of Mass intentions is drawn up for a week at a time, so please try to book at least two weeks ahead if you have a particular day in mind.
The list of this week’s Mass intentions is available here.