Wednesday 17 August 2022

How to pray (7)

Our weekly reflections are paused for the summer, so in their place there will be a short extract from how to pray in ten easy steps. This guide is taken from The Oratory Prayer Book, a new prayer book of old prayers that we are publishing and will be available in the coming months.

7. Pray as you can

Everyone is different, and so is the best way for them to pray. Find ways of prayer that suit you. Some people prefer to speak to God in their own words, others like to use prayers written down by other people. There are different kinds of silent prayer: St Francis de Sales and St Ignatius Loyola are both examples of good teachers. You might say the Rosary every day, or recite the psalms in the Divine Office. There are short ‘arrow’ prayers (like just saying ‘Jesus’) that you can use to ‘shoot’ up to heaven. Sometimes it is good just to be still and quiet in God’s presence, and enjoy his company. Try different ways of praying, then stick to what works. Pray as you can, don’t try to pray as you can’t.

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