Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday
24 March
Saturday Vigil Mass: 6:30pm
Sunday Masses: 8am* (EF), 9:30am* (Sung English)
Blessing of Palms & Solemn Mass at 11am*
Vespers & Benediction at 5pm*
Evening Mass: 6:30pm
Maundy Thursday
28 March
Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 8pm*
watching at the Altar of Repose until midnight
Good Friday
29 March
Tenebrae 9am
Children’s Stations of the Cross at 11am
Solemn Liturgy of the Passion at 3pm*
Stations of the Cross at 7pm
Confessions 10–11am, and after the end of the 3pm Solemn Liturgy
Holy Saturday
30 March
Tenebrae 9am
Confessions 10am–1pm
Children’s Prayers at the Tomb at 12noon
Solemn Vigil of Easter at 9pm*
Easter Sunday
31 March
Masses at 8am* (EF), 9:30am* (Sung English), 11am* (Solemn Latin), 6:30pm
Choral Vespers at 5pm*
Easter Monday
1 April
Mass at 10am* only, after which the church will be closed.
Services marked with * will also be streamed online.