September Music
Sunday 1 September Solemn Mass 11:00
22nd Sunday of the Year
Missa de la Batalla escoutez Guerrero
Domine in auxilium meum Scarlatti
O nomen Jesu Ferrabosco
Prelude in Eb Major BWV552 Bach
Sunday 8 September Solemn Mass 11:00
23rd Sunday of the Year
Missa Quasi cedrus Esquivel
Quasi cedrus exaltata sum Lassus
Salve Regina Esquivel
Paean Howells
Sunday 15 September Solemn Mass 11:00
24th Sunday of the Year
Missa Inter vestibulum Guerrero
Sanctificavit Moyses Palestrina
Salve Regina Poulenc
Präludium in C BuxWV 137 Buxtehude
Sunday 22 September Solemn Mass 11:00
25th Sunday of the Year
Missa ad fugam Palestrina
Quam pulchri sunt Victoria
Nisi Dominus Carissimi
Allegro vivace from Symphonie V Widor
Sunday 29 September Solemn Mass 11:00
26th Sunday of the Year
Kyrie ‘Le Roy’ Taverner
Western Wind Mass Sheppard
Ardens est cor meum Dering
O sacrum convivium Sweelinck
Fantasia in G minor BWV 542i Bach