Today we confirmed ten adults, including four newly baptised and three received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church. Congratulations to them all, and a warm welcome to our new members of the Church! Our newly confirmed have been preparing since February in our second round of classes for adults this year.
Today’s feast of Mary’s Immaculate Heart is a celebration of the purity of her will. When the angel told her God’s plan for her, she said, “Let it be done to me according to your word.” And that was the summary of her life — she only ever wanted what God wanted. On this day, and for the rest of our lives, may she inspire us through her example and help us with her prayers to do the same ourselves, as some of us begin — and all of us continue — to do what she was privileged to do for longer than anyone else — to live with her Son here on earth.
Please pray for those who received the sacraments today, and those who are still on their way. Our next series of classes will begin in October. #oxfordoratory